Chapter: 01 • Ex's And Oh's

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As I sat at the bar, having a great conversation with this REALLY hot guy I had just met, he asked...

???: "Can I buy you a drink?

We shared a small laugh...

Y/n: "Okay, fine but just ONE!

*A Few Minutes Later*

The bathroom door swung open as he pushed me against the wall and we made out while getting a little handsy. He started kissing my neck as I ran my fingers through his hair and he grabbed my ass. As our lips met again, I ran my hand over his buldge and tugged at his belt as he quickly turned me around and pulled up my skirt only then began thrusting into me as I moaned.

(Ps. Y'ALL DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH I CRINGED WRITING THAT BECAUSE I RARELY WRITE STUFF LIKE THIS...but I'm gonna have to get used to it for this book. 😂❤)

*The Next Morning*
*Clatter* *Clatter* *Clatter*
(The sound of high heels)

As I roamed down the school hallway, my friends started greeting me as I walked past them per-usual....

Xepher: "Hey girly!
Y/n: "Morning Xeph!

I then ran into Kat...

Kat: "We still on for lunch later?
Y/n: "Of course! Text me!

Then Brennen...

Brennen: "You going to prom?
Y/n: "Not sure yet, sorry!

And then my scumbag of an ex-boyfriend, Mike...

Mike: "Still up for that date later sexy?
Y/n: "In you're dreams douchebag!

I rolled my eyes and shook my head as his friends laughed at him and I continued walking until I came to a stop...

*Knock* *Knock*

The Principal: "Come in!

I poked my head around the corner...

Y/n: "You wanted to see me?
The Principal: "Yes! Please, come in! Have a seat...

I nodded, shut the door and sat down...

The Principal: "I noticed you haven't been going to detention like your supose to, how come?

I smirked and shrugged...

Y/n: "Because it's boring!

He took his glasses off...

The Principal: "Just because "it's boring" doesn't mean you can skip it! Either you start going or I'm gonna suspend you! Your this close to graduation, DON'T BLOW IT!

I grabbed the apple off his desk and stood up...

Y/n: "Whatever, We'll see about that!

I bite the apple and was about to walk out but turned around instead...

Y/n: "Oh and just in case you've forgotten, my mother writes you're paychecks and I'm not so sure she'd be happy to hear that your threatening to suspend her "little angel" now would she?

He hesitated as I smirked and walked out only running into one of my bestfriends, Devyn...

Devyn: "Hey! How's your mornin- where'd you get an apple?

We continued walking as I smirked at her...

Y/n: "The Devil's office!

She shook her head as we shared a laugh and entered class only sitting down, waiting for our new teacher to show up...

Xepher: "Have you picked out your dress for prom yet Y/n?
Y/n: "Nah, I don't think I'm goin-
Kat: "WHAT?!

I let out a small laugh...

Y/n: "You guys know prom isn't really my thing, get off my back!
Kat: "Is it because you and Mike broke up?
Y/n: "*Scoff* if you think I'm not going over that douchebag, you clearly have some loose marbles babe!
Devyn: "Ugh, speak of the devil!

In walked Mike and his bestfriends Jake, Corey and Sam...

Mike: "Sup baby!
Y/n: "Listen jerk, I'm not yours anymore so leave me alone before you regret it!
Mike: "Aww, come on! Don't be like that bab-

He was interrupted by the teacher who had just walked in...

???: "Morning Everyone! Sorry I'm late!

He set his stuff down on the desk and started writing on the white board...

???: "My names Colby Brock but you can call me Mr.Brock, I'll be your new teacher for this clas- Oh Shit...

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