Chapter: 09 • What I Lost...

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Kat: "Hey! Where you goin?
Y/n: "Home, I'm tired and REALLY drunk! I-I shouldn't be here, especially not like this...
Kat: "Oh come on party pooper! The partys just begun!
Y/n: "For you! The partys over for me Kat!

I let out a small laugh and started walking away as stopped me again...

Kat: "Mike's looking for you!

I softly yelled...

Y/n: "Tell him I went home!
Kat: "Come on Y/n! Dont leave!

Her voice sound panicked as I kept walking and waved...

Y/n: "Night Kat! See you tomorrow at school!
Kat: "Y/n!....Y/n!

I continued walking home which actually wasn't that far because I only lived 3 blocks away so I was home in no time.

*Later That Night*

I had just gotten out of the shower when suddenly my door bell rang and I had forgotten that my mom wasn't home to answer it whil I changed. So, I quickly threw my robe on and headed downstairs..

Y/n: "Just a second!

I softly yelled coming down the stairs, reached the door and opened it only to find Mike standing there...

Mike: "Hey...
Y/n: "..Hi
Mike: "You left without saying goodbye...
Y/n: "Y-Yeah, I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, You know how I get.

We shared a small laugh...

Y/n: "Wanna come in?

He nodded and stepped inside as I shut the door after him...

Y/n: "Can I get you anything?
Mike: "Something to drink maybe?

I nodded and headed towards the kitchen as he followed close behind. I scavenged through the fridge and cabinets for something but all my mom had was wine and nasty fossett water...

Y/n: "Wine or nasty fossett water?

He laughed...

Mike: "Wine!

I nodded as we shared a small laugh. I grabbed two glass cups and headed towards him...

Y/n: "Open this for me?

He grabbed it and popped the cork out only pouring into the two glasses as we each grabbed one, clinked them together and took a drink. I sat on the kitchen counter as he stood close by.

We began talking and reminised about some of our memories together only recalling our favorite and funniest ones. I missed nights like this...especially with him, he always knew how to make things better and tried to bring out the best in EVERY situation, no matter the circumstances which was something I loved about him.

Maybe I was crazy for inviting him in but it felt nice to finally talk to someone for once who can relate on the same stuff as me and just share memeories, it was something I really needed...we both did.

*A Little Later*

We were laughing at a memory he shared about me from a year ago...

Y/n: "Haha, I miss cheerleading..
Mike: "Why don't you try out again?
Y/n: "Because the girls on the team think they run the whole school and are the shit and you know me, I'm not that type of person so I thought it was best to just isolate myself from all that.
Mike: "Geez! Who knew cheerleading would be so toxic?
Y/n: "I know! I'll tell you one thing though, going into it you really don't notice that until you actually find yourself in one of those situations.

He agreed as we both took the last sip of wine in our glasses...

Y/n: "Isn't it crazy how some of the people in your life see you go through some toughest shit then the next see you in the happiest place in your life?
Mike: "Hell yeah!

We shared another small laugh as he stood in front of me. Things got quiet as we starred into each others eyes and for a moment I had finally realized what I lost when we broke up...

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