Chapter: 11 • They Were Happy...

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*The Next Morning*

*1 Day Until Prom*

As I walked down the school's hallway, I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulder so I looked over and noticed it was Mike...

Mike: "Hey!
Y/n: "Hi!

We shared a quick smile and continued walking together...

Y/n: "So I told my mom that we were going to prom together and...she wasn't too happy.
Mike: "I kinda figured she'd be like that but I mean hey, what can you do, right?

I nooded agreeing with him...

Mike: "Speaking of prom, have you picked out a dress?
Y/n: "Ugh, no! I gotta go look after school, why?
Mike: "Just asking, I wasn't sure if we were gonna match or not.
Y/n: "It's up to you, we can if you want too?
Mike: "Well, how about you think about it and let me know before schools over because I still gotta go shopping with the boys too.

I shook my head "Ok" agreeing to what he said as we then ran into the girls just as Mike's friends called him over nearby. As he took off, the girls began to question things...

Xepher: "Woah, you guys back together?!
Y/n: "No, we were just talking about prom..
Kat: "Did something happen between you two though?

I kinda nodded and hesitated at the same time...

Devyn: "What?!
Xepher: "Like what?
Y/n: " made-out... last night
Kat: "Omg! Really?
Xepher: "What?! No way?!
Devyn: "You did?!

I nodded...

Kat: "Did you tell him how you felt?
Xepher: "Or give him an answer to his question he asked?
Y/n: "Not yet but I'll figure things and let him know after prom.
Devyn: "Good!
Xepher: "Well whoever and whatever you choose, you have all our support!
Y/n: "Thank you! That means alot..

We shared a quick group hug as Mike and his friends came back over to us girls and together we all headed to class. We had all arrived to class but as everyone started to head in, Mike stopped me out in the hallway....

Mike: "Hey, I wanted to give you something!

He began to scavenge through his pockets as I stood there curious as to what it could be but out he pulled one of my most prized possessioned bracelets in which he had gotten me when we started dating but I had lost a few weeks ago at his house in his room...

Y/n: "What?! No way!
Mike: "I found it this morning and thought I'd give it back since I know how much it means to you and how sad you were when you lost it.
Y/n: "I-I can't even believe you found it, I thought it was gone forever!

He slipped it onto my wrist as we shared a hug. As I stood there looking at the bracelet, he placed his arm around me and we had walked into Mr.Brock's class together sharing a laugh.

*Kat's POV*

As Y/n and Mike walked in, they seemed really happy together...smiling, laughing, be cute and it made me happy because I knew deep down they both were finally fixing things between them. Although, what I did at the party was...wrong, in a way it helped them KINDA rekindle their love for eachother which was what Xepher and I wanted to happen BECAUSE there was NO WAY in hell we were gonna let Y/n end up with Mr.Brock....It was wrong and they both know that! But I mean, I wasn't gonna sit here and get TOO excited just yet because Y/n said she wasn't gonna figure things out until prom so basically she can end up with either one at this point which as SO frustrating but I brushed it off because It wasnt my say and shared a smirk smile with Xeph because we both had hopes that our plan WAS GONNA WORK!

*Y/n's POV*
*Later That Day After Class*

As my friends and I went to leave Colby stopped me...

Colby: "Hey...

He noticed Mike standing close by...

Colby: "Uh..Got a Minute?
Y/n: "Um, sure.

I told everyone to wait out in the hallway by our lockers and I'd meet them there when I was done but as they left Colby and I alone, I noticed Colby was upset...

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