Chapter: 18 • Only When I'm Around You...

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*A Few Minutes Later*

As I sat there, waiting for Colby to come back, the door suddenly opened...

Colby: "Hey, you ready?

I nodded and stood up as he then again, grabbed my hand and led me out into the hallways where there were rose peddles layed all across the floor down the hallway leading to the backyard where he had set up a mini prom...

Y/n: "Awww, Colby! This is SO adorable! You didn't have to do this?
Colby: "Are you freaking crazy? You look WAY TO beautiful to not enjoy the night, trust me I HAD to!

We shared a smile as he ran over, plugged his phone into the speaker and began playing a slow song ...

Colby: "Wanna dance?
Y/n: "Haha, I'd love too!

(The slow song they listened to was The 1975 - Be My Mistake)
*I tried to find something better and couldn't but it's okay*

He softly grabbed my hand and led me to an open area in the middle of the backyard as I wrapped my hands behind his neck, his hands on my waist and we began swaying back and fourth together. I laid my head on his chest and heard his heart beat...

Y/n: "You okay?
Colby: "Yeah, why?
Y/n: "Your heart is beating fast.
Colby: "It only does that when I'm around you..

I quickly looked up at him and smile as he softly kissed me...

Colby: "You planning on going back home tonight?
Y/n: "I don't really know because if I show up, my mom is gonna flip out on me and all hell will break loose.
Colby: "Well, you can stay here if you want to?

I let out a small laugh...

Y/n: "No, I-I cant put you in the position..
Colby: "Your not because I'm offering babe!

I BECAUSE it was the first time I think he's ever called me "Babe" before and to me, that word meant things were getting serious which was what I'm pretty sure we both wanted...

Colby: "So? Will you stay?

I nodded as we shared a smile and he leaned in for another kiss.

Time began to quickly pass and honestly, him throwing me a mini prom in his backyard did make my night 1000x better and was SO cute of him! After dancing, talking, laughing and enjoy a little wine together, I was began to feel a little tired so I took my heels off and laid my legs on his lap as he began to massage them for me...

Colby: "So, how'd you find my address again?

I let out a small laugh...

Y/n: "I torn apart my mom's whole office and rode here on a skateboard...

He starred at me in shock...

Colby: "Geez! No wonder your feet hurt!
Y/n: "Yeah! Haha, it was pretty bad, their killing me!

We shared a laugh as he leaned over for a kiss which turn into something a little more personl and intimate.

(Sorry NO sex scene...WEIRDO! Jk, I'm too tired to write one right now ❤)
(Just use your imagination for now!)

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