Chapter: 21 • Someone I Truly Loved!

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*A Few Days Later*

As Colby and I were laying in bed cuddled up together, watching a movie, I noticed he kept starring at me so I confronted him...

Y/n: "Haha, what?

He smiled...

Colby: "Nothing..
Y/n: "Why do you keep starring at me?
Colby: "Just admiring how beautiful you are!

I smiled and blushed a little...

Colby: "Would you think I'm crazy if I asked you to runaway away with me?

I starred at him, thinking about what he just said...

Y/n: "Yes?! Your insane!

He laughed...

Colby: "Seriously though!
Y/n: "I dont know, why you asking?

He grabbed my hand...

Colby: "Because I wanna start a family with you..

I sat up in shock and looked at him...

Y/n: "...You serious?
Colby: "Yes! But if we did, I'd wanna move out of town and start over somewhere else. Go someplace no-one knows us and leave all this drama behind with this town.
Y/n: "..W-Where would we go though?
Colby: "Anywhere you want baby! Think about little
Y/n or Colby running around, driving us completely crazy!

We shared a laugh...

Y/n: "...Sounds like a dream!
Colby: "Then let's make it become real!
Y/n: "But what about graduation?
Colby: "We leave after the ceremony!

For a second, I sat back and thought back all he said and realized it was something I actually wanted! I was tired of this town, everyone and everything in it, there was absolutely NO WAY I was gonna let myself stay here any longer and raise kids! Besides, this was a chance for me to finally get away and actually start living my life with someone I truly loved!

Colby: "So? You in?..

I slowly smiled thinking about it all...

Y/n: "Yeah!
Colby: "You are?!

I quickly nodded as we shared a huge smile and he began attacking and showering me with kisses at how happy he was, I mean honestly were both were to start a new life!

*The End*
(At Least For Now *Wink*)

*A Special Message*

THANK YOU! I'm so happy with the way this book came out I honestly can't express how happy I am enough! I'm think about making book 2 but NOTHING IS FOR SURE YET! Anyways, I owe it all to YOU because if it weren't for you, This would NOT be possible at ALL as cheesy as that sounds, it's true! I have already started writing the NEW story and am so excited for you guys to read it! I can't wait to release it, again from the bottom of my heart, Thank you for all the love and support you've given me! I'll see you VERY soon with the new story! -Anna ❤😝

For more stories like this, follow me on instagram @Solbys.Butterflys

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