Chapter: 06 • Driving Me Insane...

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Mike: "I-I know things aren't great between us right now and I'm sorry because it's ALL my fault...but y/n I-I miss you like crazy and its driving me insane!

I hesitated on whether or not I should tell him...I miss him too...

Mike: "And I know it's probably alot to take in right now but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to another try?

Things got quiet...

Mike: "But I don't want you to answer right away...I want you to think about it for a few days and get back to me...

I slowly nodded...

Mike: "Well, I-I'll let you go then...

I gave him a half smile, nodded again and started heading down the hallway when he asked...

Mike: "Y/n?

I turned around...

Y/n: "Yeah?
Mike: "Do you maybe...wanna go to prom...with me?

I mean after everything that's happening in my life, the least I could do is go have some fun...right?

Y/n: "S-Sure, I'd love to...
Mike: "Great!

We shared a quick smile and went our separate ways...Was I crazy for saying yeah? Of course! Was I insane for considering actually giving him another chance? Definitely!

*Later Around 3rd Period*

As class ended and we were getting ready for next period, I called a small meeting in the girls bathroom...

Devyn: "What did you?!

She started freaking out...

Kat: "Devyn calm down! Y/n explain...

I went on to explain the situation about Mr.Brock being at my house and us almost kissing and all....

Y/n: "But then, Wh-
Xepher: "Theres more?! Oh no!
Y/n: "Shh! Let me finish!

She sighed and nodded...

Y/n: "When I got to school this morning, mike stopped me and basically said he was sorry about all the stuff that happened between us, he knows it's his fault, he misses me and wanted to know if I would consider giving US another try!
Kat: "WHAT?!
Xepher: "OH MY!
Y/n: "I didnt say anything actually, he told me to think about it for a few days!

They placed around the girls bathroom...

Y/n: "But the-

I nodded...

Y/n: "But then he asked me if I wanted to go to prom...with him...

They stopped pacing and ran up to me...

Xepher: "W-what did you?
Kat: "Did you tell him yes?
Devyn: "Are you going?

I softly pushed them away from me...

Y/n: "Yes, I told him I'd go with him...
Xepher: "Really?
Kat: "Yay!
Devyn: "For a second we thought you WEREN'T going at all to prom!

I half smiled...

Y/n: "But I'm in a bit if a loop and don't know what to do...I'm still deeply in love with Mike and am falling for the teacher....I-I dont know what to do...
Kat: "'ll figure it out, you always do!
Devyn: "Yeah Kat's right!
Xepher: "You got this...just do the right thing.
Y/n: "See but what IS the right thing...having a relationship with my teacher or getting back with my cheating Ex?

It got quiet....

Xepher: " me when I say this, Your heart will tell you what's right and when it does you'll know.

I nodded and considered what she said as it was time for our next class which was with Mr.Brock and happened to be my last class of the day.

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