Chapter: 17 • I Could Make It Better...

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After skating home for a few Minutes, I had finally arrived, ran inside and began tearing my mom's office apart. After going through basically EVERY file, cabinet, desk and even her computer, I had finally found his address, save it on my phone, grabbed the skateboard and headed to find it.

(Hold up! Is she really skatin in heels?! Woah, talent! 😂❤)

*A Little Later*

It felt like I had been skating for EVER but I think it was just because the sun was setting, getting dark and I felt like I had a really long day. Anyways, I had finally arrived at the address and I was super nervous because the last time Colby and I had talked, we fought...but I brushed it off, took a deep breath, walked up to the door and knocked as he answered...

Colby: "...Y/n?
Y/n: "Hi...

I gave him a half smile...

Colby: "W-What are you doing here?
Y/n: "I came to find you and apologize...about literally everything.
Colby: "Don't, I should be the one apologizing...I shouldn't have gotten jealous in the first place, it's all my fault.
Y/n: "Well you wouldn't have gotten jealous if I wouldn't have started hanging out with Mike again which I'm an idiot for doing and literally REGRET after tonight!

He gestured for me to come in as I did and he shut the door behind me...

Colby: "Why? I thought you said you were falling in love with him again?...
Y/n: "I kinda was but then I found out that him and Kat were playing me and had cheated on both Sam and I with eachother. Not only that but I guess it was some kind of a game they betted on to see how far I was willing to go to "fix things" with Mike which was total BS.
Colby: "Wow, that sucks, I'm so sorry that's happen to you...

I gave him another small half smile...

Y/n: "Remeber the night I told you that I was out with friends and you were worried because I didn't awnser my phone?

He slowly nodded...

Y/n: "Well I found out that Kat had payed Brennen $100 dollars to get me drunk so I can hook up with Mike but I didn't...I just don't get how didn't see all this coming.

It got quiet for a second...

Y/n: "...I found out what happened.
Colby: "I figured you did...did Xepher tell you?

I nodded "yes"...

Colby: "I-I tried to hide it but your mom overheard Xepher & I talking and freaked out.
Y/n: "I don't blame her, I mean wouldn't you be upset if you found out that your daughter was having a relationship with her teacher?

He nodded "Yes"...

Y/n: "But it's okay, after everything she's put me through over the years, I could care less about what she thinks or wants because I know I'm happy the happiest I've ever been... especially with you.

We shared a smile as he grabbed my hand, kissed it and looked me up & down, finally admiring my outfit as I could tell, I left him speechless...

Colby: "...W-Woah.

I blushed and tucked my hair behind my ear...

Y/n: "You like?

I did a little spin...

Colby: "I-I love! Your absolutely stunning!

I let out a small laugh...

Y/n: "*Scoff* yeah, so much for prom's been a complete disaster so far and honestly the worst night of my life.

He smirked at me...

Colby: "What if I told you, I could make it the best night of your life?

I confusly looked at him....

Colby: "Here follow me!

He took my hand as I walked with him to what I think was his room...

Colby: "Stay here and give me a few minutes?

I nodded and sat on his bed as he shut the door and I sat there, curious at what he was planning on doing to make this night better for me.

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