Chapter: 10 • Things Changed

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I looked down as he tucked my hair behind my ear and lifted my chin with his finger only starring into my eyes again but this time leaning in for a kiss as both our lips softly touched.

We both pulled away for a breather but within seconds of letting go, he pulled me close and kissed me again, neither of us pulling away. The kiss quickly turned into a make-out which I wasn't ashamed of! But as things were starting to get hot and handsy, the front door opened, making us quickly pull away from eachother and in walked my mom...

Mom: "Y/n, I'm hom- oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had company! Am I interrupting something?

Mike and I both nervously looked at eachother and shook our heads "No"...

Y/n: "Not at all, Mike and I-I were just saying our goodbyes..
Mike: "Yeah, I-I got a big day tomorrow so I gotta get going.

Him and I walked over to the door as my mom stood close by...

Mike: "I'll see you at school tomorrow?
Y/n: "Yeah!
Mike: "Great! Well goodnight!
Y/n: "Night!
Mike: "Night Ms.Y/l/n!
Mom: "Goodnight Mike! Get home safely!

We shared a quick hug as he waved "goodbye" and left. But as I shut the door, my mom began to speak...

Mom: "I-I didn't realize you two were talking again?

I turned towards her...

Y/n: "Yeah, we've been...
Mom: "Oh!...For how long?
Y/n: "Just a few days....

She slowly nodded as I started heading up the stairs...

Mom: "I thought you promised me you weren't gonna let him be around anymore, especially not after he hurt you?

I stopped and turned around...

Y/n: "Things changed..

I shrugged and continued to walk up the stairs but turned again before I did...

Y/n: "Oh and I think you should know that...he asked me to prom and I agreed to go with him.

She was shook but I didnt care, I had already told him I was going.

Y/n: "The deals done and I'm going whether you like it or not!

She was silent, saying and doing nothing so I headed up to my room got dressed and laid in bed only grabbing my phone for the first time all night and seeing I had blown up text from Colby...

She was silent, saying and doing nothing so I headed up to my room got dressed and laid in bed only grabbing my phone for the first time all night and seeing I had blown up text from Colby

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Was I dumb to have let Mike kiss me especially after having sex with Colby? ...yeah, I guess you could say that. But was I starting to fall in love with Mike all over again? ....Yeah, I was and I wasn't afraid to admit that! Especially because we were together for 2 years and he was my very first real love.

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