Chapter: 13 I know you love her...

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*The Next Morning*

After getting home last night from dinner with the girls, I couldn't even sleep because my head was spinning and just felt like it was all over the place. Why was it so hard for me to make up my damn mind? It should have been something easy for me to do but at the same time it wasn't.

Anyways, prom was tonight and I was excited but kinda felt overwhelmed with everything going on around me. Including, school because I just wasn't feelin it today but I forced myself to get out of bed, get dressed and go.

*Later That Morning*

As the girls and I were having breakfast together near campus at a cute little café, Devyn noticed me quietly gazing out the window as they were all talking, laughing and having a good time...

Devyn: "Hey, you okay?

I noticed she was talking to me and looked over at her...

Y/n: "..Yeah, I'm okay
Devyn: "Really? You haven't even touched your food..
Xepher: "Talk to us y/n..

They all starred at me...

Y/n: "Guys I promise I'm okay, just not hungry...

I pushed the plate of food away...

Kat: "I think she's may be nervous?
Xepher: "Are you?

I gestured my hand "Kinda" because they thought it was about prom but it was really about the boys and maybe I was wrong for keeping that to myself but can you blame me? I literally tell them everything...just not this because I I they'd interfereand wnat me to pick Mikewhen this was something I need to pick on my own.

Xepher: "It'll be okay, trust me!

She playfully nudged my shoulder...

Kat: "Yeah, nothing we haven't done before, am I right girls?

They all agreed as I shared a small half smile as they did the same...

Devyn: "Hey we should head to campus, it's almost 9:25 and class starts at 9:30.

We all nodded, grabbed our stuff and headed out the door only then heading to school.

*Later That Day*

It was finally time for last class which was with Colby and Mike was also gonna be there which this would be the first time I'd seen him all day so I decided to skip it and head home to lay down and think a little more before prom tonight.

*A Few Minutes Later*
*Colby's POV*

As I was taking attendance down for my class, I noticed Y/n wasn't here. I kinda got concerned because she was one to always show up and was never late but I kinda figured she wouldn't show up especially after our fight yesterday, but I still didn't hesitate to ask her friends...

Colby: "Do any of you know where Y/n is and why she isn't here?

They all shook their heads "No" as Y/n's friend Kat decided to mumble something under her breath...

Kat: "*Scoff* Wouldn't you like to know
Colby: "Excuse Ms.Struart, what as that?

I raised my eyebrow and gave her a look, letting her know I wasn't stupid and could hear how sarcastic she was being towards me...

Kat: "I-I said, do you want me to go look for her? Right girls?

Her friends immediately acted like they didn't hear what she said and looked down at their books as she rolled her eyes and shook her head...

Colby: "No, I dont want you looking for her! Devyn why don't you look?

She quickly nodded and head out towards the hallway.

*Y/n's POV*

As I was at home laying on the couch, I suddenly got a text from Devyn...

As I was at home laying on the couch, I suddenly got a text from Devyn

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*Colby's POV*

As I teaching, Devyn walked back in...

Devyn: "Sorry Mr.Brock, but I looked everywhere and couldn't find her.
Colby: "That's okay, thank you Devyn!

She gave me a quick smile and sat back down as I continued teaching.

*A Little Later*

As the class finished up a test, dropped it on my desk and left home, one of Y/n's friends Xepher walked up to me as everyone left the room...

Xepher: "To be honest with you, She went home early because she said she had a lot on her mind and needed some time to think. I just thought I'd let you know because I know you love her and are worried about he-
???: "Love and worried about who?!

We both looked over and sawY/n's mom, Ms.Y/l/n standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, looking furious.

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