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Hyejin's POV

I put the hat and started cleaning the tables and chairs. I'm sure there will be customers later 5pm.

Our real time is 6pm to 3am. But I was assigned to work here at 8pm to 2pm. Sometimes I'm working early so I can have extra pay.

"Hyejin!" It's Len

"Why are you early? I thought you're going to work later 9pm?" I asked while wiping the table

"I can't let you clean all of these tables and chairs alone. What friends are for?!" Len

"Thank you! I love you!" I smiled

"No problem, by the way is our bartender already there?" she asked

"Yeah, he arrived 5 minutes before me" I answered

"I heard the most famous bar near Hanji University is not yet open" Len

"So? What does that have to do with us?" I looked at her

"Of course! The people that were planning to go there, will go here instead!" Len

"Len, this is not just the only bar here in Korea. There's a lot of beautiful bar here" I said and continued wiping the other table

"Aigoo! Whatever!" Len said and wiped the tables beside me

"Announcement!" our manager said and the others went to us "Tonight will be our night. I heard Lix's bar is not going to open. You guys should prepare that there will be a lot of people later. And also, one famous person from Lix's bar will go here later"

"Really?!" Len excitedly said

"Yeah, I heard from a friend" manager

"What? How?" bartender

"A friend called Warren has a friend named Allen who is close to Lee Felix, the owner of Lix's bar. I want you guys to impress him. If there's something he needs or he asked for, give it to him without thinking" manager

"Do we need to clean the VIP room?" one of the waiter asked

"Yes, please. Also, our beautiful ladies please be ready, wear the most pretty outfit" manager said to the girls who are being rented by the guys

"Do you know how hot Felix is?" Len asked me

"No, how would I know? I'm not even interested" I said and arranged the tables

"Hey! Don't say that! Every girls in this world imagined him naked. You are a girl too and I'm sure you're underwear will drop" Len said and started typing on her phone "Here! This is him" he showed me a pictures of a guy

"So? What should I do with him? Do I have to like him too? Just like you and the other girls?" I asked

"Gosh! You are really Hyejin" Len laughed

"I'll go change, there will be customers in any minute" I said and went to change room

When I was changing my clothes I heard some gossips.

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