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Felix's POV

"Oh my gosh!" Eunji screamed when she saw Hyejin lying on the floor, unconcious.

I quickly ran to her and carried her on my arms, bridal style. Chan and Eunji quickly followed me.

"What happened?!" her friend, Len.

"She passed out. Can you give us her things? We'll take care of her" I said and quickly ran to Chan's car. I arranged Hyejin to lie down on the backseat

I saw Chan and Eunji running toward the car while Eunji was holding Hyejin's things.

"I'll seat on the backseat" Eunji said and got in the car, I sat on the passenger's seat and Chan is going to drive

Eunji slowly lifted Hyejin's head to lie down on her lap. Chan started driving slowly.

"Where are we going now?!" I frustratingly said

"Will you calm down? She's not feeling well and it worsen when she went to work. She needs rest and needs to drink medicine" Eunji said

"Should we bring her to her place? Or to the hospital?" Chan asked

"To her place, that might be comfortable for her to rest" Eunji

"I'll say the direction" I said

I looked at her face, she looks so pale. Why am I so worried?! Is she my sister?! Or my girlfriend?! We don't know each other for jypdamn's sake! Why am I like this?!

I told Chan the direction of her apartment. At first I'm not sure about the way but when I saw some familiar places I recognized it.

After a couple of minutes we arrived at her apartment. Chan carried Hyejin's things, I'm carrying Hyejin again while Eunji was guiding me.

We reached 4th floor, Chan quickly searched her keys and opened her apartment. I put her down on her bed.

"What should I do now? I don't know what to do" I said while trying not to show how nervous I am

"Chill! I'll take care of her" Eunji said and sat beside her

"Do you need something?" Chan asked

"Yes, please bring me a cold water and two face towels. And also, can you buy medicine for fever?" Eunji asked

"Why? I mean there might be medicines here" Chan

"We shouldn't touch her things here as possible" Eunji

"Okay" Chan said and quickly left the apartment

I went to get a bowl of cold water and two face towels. I gave it to Eunji and watched her wipe Hyejin.

"I don't know if we can stay here until she gets well. I want you to know how to do this" Eunji

"What? Can you guys please stay here?" I asked

"No, we can't. Just watch me. This towel, you will put this on the cold water and squeeze it. Wipe it on her arm to her hand" Eunji said and showed me how to wipe Hyejin "Next, you will have to quickly wipe it with the dry towel" she showed me again how to wipe with dry towel this time "Same with the other arm. Next is his knees to her feet"

I watched her wipe Hyejin's other arm and the other parts.

"Next, you will fold it then you will put it on her forehead" Eunji said and put the cold towel on Hyejin's forehead "If the cold water was gone you should check her temperature whether the fever is already gone or not. And you will do the same until her fever is gone"

I just nodded as an answer.

"You go out. I'll just change her clothes" Eunji

I quickly left Hyejin's room and went to the living room. I saw Chan entered carrying a plastic bag.

"Where's Eunji? His brother called me. She needs to go home" Chan said and gave me the plastic bag

It has three cup noodles and one box of medicine for fever. I went to the kitchen and turned the water boiler on.

One message received.

From : Hyunjin

Are you with Chan? Tell him to bring Eunji home, safe and sound.

I turned off my phone as I heard the water boiler. I turned it off and went to the living room.

"We need to go" Eunji

"Thanks. You guys take care" I smiled

"You take care of her. If she woke up feed her with the cup noodles I bought and give her medicine. Don't wake her up, she should rest" Chan

"Don't leave her alone. You should always check her temperature from time to time" Eunji

"Do you guys really have to leave?" I asked

"We need to" Chan

"We'll go now. Take care" Eunji smiled

I watched them leave the apartment. I closed the door and went to Hyejin's room. I saw her sleeping while there's a towel on her forehead.

I removed the towel and checked her temperature. She's still has fever, I quickly did what Eunji told me. I wiped her arms to her hands, and her knees to her feet.

For the last routine, I squeeze the towel and fold it. I put it on her forehead. I covered her body with her blanket.

I sat on the floor while looking at her.

One message received

From : Chan's Dad

Felix? Are you with Chan and Eunji? Tell them to go home. And also, you should go home too. Your Mom texted us and asking us where you are. Don't make her worry kiddo.

To : Chan's Dad

Yes, Sir. Thank you for telling me. Chan and Eunji already left.

From : Chan's Dad

Okay, okay. Take care.

I turned off my phone as I saw Hyejin moving.

"M-Mom, open the door" she whispered

"P-Please, don't do t-this" she started crying

"Mom..." she whispered again

She's dreaming about her Mom?

I slowly held her hand and she calmed down. I think she's having a nightmare about her Mom?

I carefully wiped her tears trying not to wake her up. She's too exhausted from her work. She should be at school, not working on a bar.

I lied my head down on her bed while holding her hand. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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