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Hyejin's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt my headache. How did I get here?! Why am I in my room?!

I felt someone was holding my hand. I saw a guy with a blonde hair. Wait- There's no way!!!

It's Lee Felix!!! He is sleeping while holding my hand. Oh my gosh! What the f is this? He brought me here. Wait.

I quickly looked at my clothes and I'm now wearing my pajama!!! No!! He changed my clothes?! Oh my gosh! What to do?! I want to get out of here!

Why is there a towel on my forehead? Did he took care of me last night? This is unbelievable.

His head slowly moved, and get up. He is awake! He saw me! Oh no! Why does he looks so gorgeous? No! Why are you thinking of that, Hyejin?!

"You're awake" Felix said

"Y-Yeah, I saw you sleeping soundly so I didn't wake you up" I faked a smile

"Ah, I bet you are hungry. I'll just order our food" he said and opened his open

"I don't eat order foods" I whispered

"O-Okay, I'll c-cook. Can I use your things here and also the ingredients?" he asked

"Yeah, sure. It's all in the kitchen" I said

He nodded and left my room. Oh my god! I look like a mess! I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine, toothbrush, washed my face and put a slight lip tint.

I combed my hair and went to the kitchen.

"Argh! Why does this have to be hard?" he whispered

I think he is frying something.

"Aw! What the fuck?! That fucking hurts!" he whispered in a mad tone

He opened his phone and started typing and he is always checking his chicken. After that he was now playing a game on his phone. The stove is on high heat, poor chicken, you will be burned.

"Argh! That's unfair!" he said and focused on the game

I walked towards him "The chicken will be burned"

He looks so shocked when he saw me but he is now shock when he realized the chicken he was frying. He quickly looked at it and transferred it to a plate with a tissue on it.

I sat and watched him put the chicken and the rice on the table. He sat on the opposite side.

"At least my fried rice taste good" he said

I just smiled trying to control my laugh when I heard what he said. I started eating, same with him.

Yeah, the fried rice taste good. But the poor chicken was burned. At least he did some effort for me to eat.

"Felix, you are a student, right?" I asked

"Yeah" Felix

"Why are you here then? You have a class, it's weekdays" I added

"It's fine, I'm not in the mood anyway" he said and was hesitating to bite the chicken

I took his chicken and removed the burned parts and gave it to him "Now, you can eat it"

"Thanks" he smiled and took a big bite of his chicken "Can I ask you something? If you don't mind"

"What is it?" I asked

"I was just wondering about your dream last night" he said

I stopped eating.

"Sorry, I thought you won't mind so I ask you" Felix

"It's about my Mom" I answered

"A-Ah" he awkwardly said

"She killed herself because of depression" I added

"S-Sorry, I didn't know" Felix apologized and looked away

"You are my half brother's friend. I knew about that, since yesterday" I added

"What do you mean you knew since yesterday?" he asked

"I saw the news about you and your friends. That's when I find out that you are my brother's friend. I was so scared and thinking about what might happen. That they might find me because of you" I said and looked at him

"I knew that you are Minho's half sister because of your Father. He showed me your picture when he came to my bar" he said and drank the glass of water "I know that they want to find you as possible. Your Father will choose who deserves the spot of the company"

"I don't care about that spot and about them. My Mom killed herself, she hanged herself and cut her wrist. Mom died because of depression. I came here to show them I can do this on my own, I don't need them" I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes "I hope you won't tell Minho that you know me and where I am at"

"Don't worry, I know that Minho doesn't know your face. And also, it's just me, Chan, Eunji, and your Father knows about you" Felix

"That's good to know" I said

"Yeah, I even told Chan and Eunji not tell anyone about you. You are safe with us" Felix looked at me

Felix's phone started ringing. He opened and answered the call "Yes? Hmm, I'm still here. I'll ask her, okay? Yeah, she's fine now. We just finished eating. Okay, I won't forget about that"

"Who is it?" why do I sound like his girlfriend?

"It's Eunji, she was asking about you" Felix

"Huh? Why? Does she know?" I asked

"Yeah, Eunji and Chan came here with me. I didn't had the chance to ask for you permission, I was scared when I saw you passed out. Eunji took care of you and also Chan bought you medicines and those cup noodles" Felix

"Does that mean?" I am fucking hesitating to ask the question!!!

"Yeah, Eunji changed your clothes. You don't have to worry about that" Felix

My face is so red right now!!!! I want o jump fron 4th floor!!

"Eunji wants you to come to her brother's party tomorrow at her house. She wants me to ask you" Felix

"I bet Minho is going to be there" I said

"Yes, but remember what I told you, he doesn't know your face and your name. You don't have to worry" Felix

"Okay, I'll come with you" I answered

You don't have to worry, Hyejin. You are safe with them especially with Felix.

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