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Felix's POV

"Yesterday, I decided to bring her to the hospital. I thought everything will be fine even though I know she hates them. But I was wrong, I decided all by myself. I should've asked her opinion about that. She got mad at me, and told me not to talk to her anymore" I faked a smile

Thinking about it hurts me. I broke my promise to her. I need to talk to her no matter what. 

"Do you like her?" Hyunjin

"I love her" I smiled

"You did well, Felix. You made my Father happy yesterday when he saw my sister. You don't have to regret what you did" Minho

"Yeah, besides we're willing to help you so you can talk to her" Changbin

"Aigoo! It's scary to be in love" Jeongin

"You can say that because you're not in love. If you are in love, you are willing to do everything just to get her" Chan

"Whatever" Jeongin rolled his eyes

"What should we do now?" Seungmin

"We need to go to her workplace and we should talk to her there" Hyunjin

"I need to go and get my car first" Felix

"Where is your car?" Hyunjin

"At home, I had a fight with my Father" I answered

"I'll drive you there" Minho

"You guys should go" Chan

We both hop in his car and Minho started driving. I know this is awkward.

"Thank you for bringing Hyejin at the hospital knowing that she will get mad at you" Minho

"No worries, I just don't want to regret everything. Your Father deserves to know Hyejin" I smiled

"My Father decided to proceed the this week. He said it feels like when he saw Hyejin he saw his power. He saw something that gave him reasons to fight" Minho

"I'm glad" I said

"Yeah, all thanks to you" he smiled at me

"I thought you're going to be mad at me for hiding the truth" I said

"No, I understand you" Minho

The car stopped.

"Thanks" I said and got out of the car

I went inside and saw Mom watching T.V

"Felix" Mom went to me

"Did you ate?" I asked her

"I'm waiting for you" Mom answered

"You should eat on time. Take care of your health, Mom" I said and went upstairs

I saw Dad coming out of his office room.

"I'll just get my keys. It's not going to take any longer, you don't have to worry" I said and was about to enter my room when he held my wrist

"Let's talk" Dad

"We can talk here, Father" I said 

"I want say something important. Can we talk in my office room?" he asked

I sighed "Sure, let's do that" 

We went inside his office room. I already saw two bottles of beer and I think the other one is empty. 

"What is it you want to say? I have to go" I said

He kneeled in front of me.

"Forgive me, Felix" he said

"Get up, Father" I said and wiped my tears

"No, I deserve this. Besides, kneeling isn't enough" Dad

I didn't say anything.

"I didn't know that your brother killed his self because of me. I guess I was too busy to notice. I admit I am at fault. I don't deserve you. Fritz and your Mom. My Father always practice us before we take over the company when I was a teenager. I am sorry for applying it to you and to your brother. I didn't want any of this to happen. I just want you and your brother's future to be secured. I don't want the both of you to be like me. I am stupid and everyone laughs at what I am doing. They are making fun of me for not being enough to take over the company. I was too scared that it might happen to the both of you" he said and wiped his tears

"Get up, Father" I said and held his hands

"I'm sorry for not trusting the both of you. I'm sorry for not letting you guys do what you want. I guess this is a lesson for me. I'm sorry I was wrong for pushing you both to take over the company. Please, forgive me" he added

I kneeled to face him "S-Sorry for disrespecting you. I was just mad at you because I thought you're just thinking about yourself"

"It's not your fault, Son. I changed you, all this time I  thought I didn't do anything to you. If only I knew everything, I should've saved your brother from depression. He should've been alive and with us right now" Dad

I hugged him "Let's juts move on. What matters right now is we know each other's side. I know Fritz will be happy to see us all together"

"Stop the drama, let's have a lunch" Mom said as soon as she opened the door

Dad giggled and we both stood up. We followed Mom to the kitchen and started eating our lunch.

"About the mess I made. I will take care of it, Dad" I started

"No, let me take care of it" Dad

"Felix, I saw a girl on the newspaper. You are carrying her out of the bar. What happened?" Mom

She's my girlfriend, Mom. Hays.

"S-She's Hyejin, Minho's half sister, same age as me. Actually I didn't know I will met her that night and a lot of things happened after that" I said and started telling them everything starting from how I met her and until what happened recently

"So, she's mad at you now?" Dad asked

"Yeah, she told me not to talk to her anymore" I answered

"You deserve that for breaking your promise" Mom

"Mom" I glared at her

"Nah, I was just joking. You should explain to her as possible" Mom

"Then, I have to go that bar again. It'll be another mess" I said

"No, I'll take care of that. You go and get her" Dad smiled at me

Finally, everything's going well.

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