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Hyejin's POV

"Hyejin?" Felix called me and came out of my room

"Are you ready to go?" I asked

"Yeah, how about you?" he asked while not looking at me

"Let's go" I said and carried my small bag with me

We left the apartment and got in the cab. He is quiet after he told the driver where we are going. I looked at his fist, good thing I wrapped it using bandage.

"Can you put these in your bag?" he asked and gave me his wallet and phone

"Sure" I answered and put it inside my bag

What should I do? I should make him happy not sad! Argh! Hyejin! Think of something!

After a couple of minutes we arrived at the mall. I paid the driver and we got off. We entered the mall.

"Sir Felix, here's your key" the guard said and gave it to him

"Thank you, Sir" Felix smiled

I followed him when he entered a fast food restaurant. He signaled me to sat on the corner and he went to the counter to order.

I sat on the empty seats and watched him order the food. After a couple of minutes he went to our table carrying a lot of foods.

"This is a lot" I said

"Yeah, just think of yesterday. I think I should bought you a lot of food after that burned chicken and also you let me stay in your house" Felix smiled

"That's nothing. I also want to thank you for taking care of me" I smiled back

We started eating.

Felix changed my day, yesterday. I thought I'm going to be bored but I enjoyed staying at my apartment. After we ate breakfast, we played a lot of games. We watched different genre of movies. We sang lot of songs and we ate a lot of food. It was fun staying at my apartment with him.

Wait- what?! I mean it's a lot of fun yesterday, and I didn't say that I want him to stay in my apartment. Argh! Why am I so defensive?

His phone started ringing "Oh? Yeah. Okay, if you finished there just go here. I'll buy a gift for Eric. Okay, take care"

I took a bite of hamburger and ate my fries. Next, I ate my sundae while browsing on my phone.

"Should we go now?" Felix asked

"I think we should" I said

We went to a woman's boutique. While he is looking around I am following her.

He gave me a lot of dresses, skirts, tshirts, pants and shorts. He wants me to try it all.

"Are you crazy? There's no way I'm going to try all of that" I said

"Then, what?" he looked at me

"Let's play a game, I will pick a dress while my eyes were close. I'm not going to say anything, I'll just wear that for later. How about that?" I asked

𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜#𝟸 |𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝙵𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚡|Where stories live. Discover now