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Hyejin's POV

Argh! My body hurts so much!!

I slowly opened my eyes and did my morning routine. I went to the living room and didn't saw Felix. Maybe he left earlier? I don't care anyway.

I took the chips and soda from the refrigerator. I sat on the couch and opened the T.V. This is my daily routine before I go to work.

It's a news.

"This breaking news is about these 9 teenagers who are going to take over their families' company. The rumor was confirmed by their own family" the news reporter said and it showed a picture of 9 boys

No way.

"These 9 boys were pretty famous not just because of their looks but for being smart and talented also" she added and I saw Felix there together with my half-brother

Lee Minho...

I quickly turned off the T.V, this is not happening. Is that why Felix was staring at me that night it's because he knew? or not?

Let's not think of that, Hyejin. There's no way that old man will spread your pictures and introduce you to his friends or your brothers' friends.

I rolled my eyes and lied down on the couch. I sighed as I think of what I just saw on the T.V

I opened my phone and saw messages from my friend.

From : Len

Girl? Where are you? I just want to go to the mall so I asked you. I just wonder if you want to go with me?

To : Len

Sorry, I want to rest. My body hurts so much. But you can drop by after you go to the mall.

From : Len

Really?! I'll really go there. I'll see you later! Mwa! You have a lot of things to say and by the way I have your bag with me.

To : Len

Take care.

I turned off my phone and opened the T.V, again. I changed the channel but fuck. Is this all a coincidence?!

"Lee Minho of Lee Car Company is not still sure that he will take over the company due to some personal matters" she said while the screen was showing his photos

The news ended and the movie started. Why isn't the family still not sure yet? Oh, I forgot. I have 3 half brothers including him.


"H-Hyejin?" Mom called me

I quickly went to her side and I saw how weak she is now. Her skin is so pale that I can't even recognize her.

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked

"Hyejin, please no matter what happens you will always open your heart to all the people who left us" Mom

"W-What do you mean, Mom? What are you saying?" I asked

"Y-Your Father" Mom

"What about him?" I held her hand

"I want you to be kind and still accept him if ever he needs you. Your F-Father, he will need you, not now but soon. He will need your love that he never felt with his family" Mom's tears fell

"W-What do you mean his f-family? Mom, I don't understand" I said and wiped her tears

"Y-Your Dad has his own family when I met him. Your Father planned everything about your future. Unfortunately, his parents and his wife took him away from me. They threatened me that if I will go back to Korea, they will kill you. I don't want that to happen" she explained and caress my cheeks and smiled "You are the greatest gift that your Father and I have received"

"M-Mom, why are you like that? Why are you confessing all of a sudden?" I asked as I felt my tears falling from my eyes

"I can't take it anymore. It hurts so much" Mom

"Mom, please" I kneeled in front of her

"I love you so much, your aunt will take care of you" she smiled and kissed my forehead

She ran to her room and locked the door.

"Mom! Open the door! Please!" I shouted nonstop as I tried to unlock the doorknob "Mom!!! Please! I'm begging you! Don't do this! I need you Mom!"

"What happened?!" my aunt shouted when she saw me trying to open the door

"Please get the keys! Aunt! I'm begging you! Hurry up!" I screamed and tried to open the door again

I heard something fell on the floor inside her room. No...

My heart was beating so fast as I watch my aunt struggling to open the door. But when she finally opened the door...

"Lia!" my aunt shouted and ran to her.

There, I found myself standing while looking at my Mom.

She hanged herself while blood was flowing from her wrist.


End of Flashback


I heard a knock, I quickly wiped my tears and opened the door. It was Len, my friend who saved me from a lot of troubles.

"You okay?" she asked and entered my apartment "Go there, wait for me. I'll cook our food"

"You didn't go to mall?" I asked as I sat down

"Nope, I felt lazy hehe" she giggled and started cooking

When I got here in Korea, I was lost and didn't found my Father's house address. I lost my money so I lived along the street.

Len's family found me and decided to keep me. She offered me a job which is to become a waitress in a bar. As soon as I earned my own money I quickly rented an apartment.

At that time I decided not to find my Father again. I saw how my Mom suffered and I don't want that to happen to me. I will make sure that they will repay for what they did to my Mom.

I will make them pay.

𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜#𝟸 |𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝙵𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚡|Where stories live. Discover now