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Hyejin's POV

"Hyejin" Felix held my wrist

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked

"I want to say sorry" Felix

I removed his hands and quickly went to change room. I changed my clothes and stayed there to make sure Felix is gone.

"What are you doing here, Hyejin?" Len asked me

"Is Felix outside? I want to go home now" I said

"What? Why? What happened?" Len asked me

"Minho told me everything. The readon why Felix brought me to the hospital that day. He told me everything even about my Dad's life without Mom" I said

"I know" Len smiled

"Y-You knew?" I asked

"When I went to VIP room 3 I saw them. They are all there, Felix and his friends. I acted natural and asked their orders but they talked to me. Felix said he wants to talk to you, I was so mad at him and shouted at him. He said he deserves those shouts all he wants right now is to talk to you. Felix and Minho explained everything to me. I said I'm not going to let Felix talk to you. Minho volunteered and besides he said he wants to say something about your Father and Mother" Len

"Why did you let Minho?" I asked

"You deserve the explanation and the truth. Look, I'm not siding on anyone's side. I'm here to tell you that you need to know everything. You should've listened to them first before you made such decisions. Before you dropped those hurtful words towards Felix" Len

"I just want to go home now" I said

"I'll go with you" Len said and changed her clothes too

We quickly left the bar and rode a taxi. After a couple of minutes we arrived at my apartment and went inside.

"It's raining, good thing we left the bar" Len said

I'm feeling guilty of what I said to him that day. I should've listened to him first. Argh! You're so annoying, Hyejin!

"You okay?" she asked

"No, I need to think of what should I do now after what I told him. AaaaaH! Help me" I pouted and wiped my tears

"Look, Felix will understand everything. He knows you are shocked that time that's why you said those. He is Felix and he is a nice guy, right?" she asked and I just nodded at her as an answer "What you have to do now is think of something. You need to know how are you going to talk to him"

One message received

From : Felix

Let's talk please.

To : Felix

I told you, I'm not ready yet.

From : Felix

Text me when you are ready. Thank you, Hyejin.

I turned off my phone.

"I'll just buy some ingredients for our dinner" Len said and carried the umbrella with het and left

What should I do now? I should think of something! I need to talk to him.

Just say sorry. That's it..

To : Felix

Do you have some time? Can we talk?

From : Felix

I always have time for you.

To : Felix

Where should we meet?

From : Felix

Go down, I'am standing here for about an hour.

To : Felix


Shit! I quickly wore my jacket. Len brought my umbrella with her. What should I do now? Aaaaah!

I quickly went outside and opened the gate. I saw Felix standing in the middle of the rain.

I wore my hoodie and tried to pull him inside but he is too strong. He smiled at me.

"I'm sorry" he said

"Can we just talk upstairs? This is not the right place to talk for a drama" I said and tried to pull him again but he removed my hands

"I'm sorry for not thinking of your feelings! I was just scared that you might even suffered more if you're not going to meet your Father. Your Father is getting weak, so I quickly made a decision. I brought you to him even though I know you will hate me for doing that" Felix

He looked at me and smiled.

"Believe me or not, I just want you to meet your Father. I am sorry for not keeping my promise to you" Felix kneeled in front of me

"Are you crazy?! What are you doing?!" I asked

"I deserve more than this. Kneeling in front of you is nothing compared to the pain you felt that day" Felix

"It's raining. Let's talk inside" I said

"No, let me suffer even more. I deserve this kind of treatment" Felix

"Can we just go inside? It's raining" I said

"No" Felix

"Fine! I forgive you! Let's go inside!" I shouted so he can hear me because of the raindrops

"R-Really?!" he shouted and hugged me tight, he even carried me "Thank you! Thank you so much, Hyejin! I am really sorry for what I did. I know it was wrong of me for breaking my promise. I am sorry"

"Yieeeee!" I heard a group of guys shouting

It was Felix's friend. They are inside the car and teasing us.

"No, I should say sorry to you. I should've listened to you first before I dropped those words. I am just not in my right mind that time" I said and hugged me

"I love you, Hyejin. Please be my girlfriend" he begged

"Are you asking or forcing me to have mercy on you?" I asked

He kneeled down "Can you be my girlfriend? And always stay with me until I die?"

I nodded "Yes, Felix. I am now your gifrlriend. I am more willing to accept your offer"

"Oh gosh! I love you!" he shouted and hugged me

"I love you more, Felix" I smiled at him

I gave him a passionate kiss. If our first kiss was because we slipped. Now, we're kissing on purpose and I'm not going to regret saying yes to this jerk.

"Are you guys really want catch a cold?" Len asked

Felix and I giggled and smiled at each other.

I love Felix so much. I'm not going to let this one go.


End of Series#2

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