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Hyejin's POV

I took a deep breath as I woke up from my sleep. Why is my head hurting so bad? Is it because of the beer yesterday?

"Good afternoon, I thought you're not going to wake up" Len said and gave me a cup of coffee "Hangover?"

"I think so" I said

"I cooked you a hangover soup. I know you will need it once you wake up" Len smiled

I followed her to my kitchen and sat on the opposite side. We started eating what she cooked.

Her phone started ringing "Eh? Why is someone calling me? I'm not expecting anyone"

"Maybe your friends?" I asked

She answered the phone "Who is this?"

I looked at her and she went to the balcony. I guess it's important?

"Why is this soup taste good?" I asked myself and ate it with rice

I looked at Len and she looks so annoyed with the person she was talking to.

Len came back and started eating again like nothing happened.

"What happened?" I asked

"What do you mean?" she asked

"You look so annoyed" I said

"No" she answered

"You still sound annoyed, who was that?" I asked

"Just a friend who did something that I didn't like. Argh. Just forget that person" Len said and cotinued eating again

I nodded and ate my food.

"By the way I need to go after this. I have work, you know. You can call me if something happens or if you need something" Len reminded

"What? I'm going too" I pouted

"There's no way you're going to work, Hyejin" Len

"You know I need to focus on something that will help me forget all the pain" I said

"But you should rest" Len

"Why should I rest? Am I sick or what? I can do a lot of work now! I do have reason to work hard" I smiled

"Are you sure?" she asked

"Yeah" I smiled

"Okay, then. Go and take a bath I'll wait for you here" she said

I noddef an quickly took a bath. I changed my clothes into something comfortable and left my room while combing my hair.

"Let's go" she said

We left my apartment and rode a cab. Len told the driver the address of the bar.

Let's not think about him. You deserve better, Hyejin. You deserve happiness than sadness. Just focus on your work and forget about him.

𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜#𝟸 |𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝙵𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚡|Where stories live. Discover now