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Felix's POV

"Should we go to the mall or not?" I asked

"Why?" she looked at me

"I need to look for my outfit for later, our gift and your outfit as well" I suggested

"Okay, then" she said and went to her room

calling Jeongin...


"Can you do me a favor?"

[Yeah, sure. What?]

"Bring my car to your mall? Just leave the key to the guard"

[Okay. I'm on my way]

"What? Already?"

[Yes, I am going somewhere so I'll just bring your car there before I leave]

"Okay, then. Take care!"

[Can you pick me up later before the party? Hyunjin, Jisung and Chan are already at Eunji's house. Minkyu went to his restaurant to ready the foods for later. Minho and Seungmin has important things to do. Changbin is going with Jiyeon and he can't pick me up. You are my only chance.]

"Okay, I'll pick you up. Just text me"

[Yes! Thanks! By the way what if your parents are there? What should I tell them?]

"Out of town. Wait- we don't have classes today?"

[Yeah, I don't even know why. By the way I need to go!]

"Yeah, take care" I said and ended the call 

Hyejin came out of her room while her hair is still wet. I think she took a shower?

"Aren't you going to take a shower? You are wearing that since yesterday" she said

Argh! What should I do now? I don't have any extra clothes. My face is so red right now.

"I don't have any extra clothes" I said

"While you're taking a shower I'll wash that. Don't worry, it won't take long" Hyejin

"Okay" I said and went to her room

"Use this towel" she gave me her pink towel

I closed the door and took off all my clothes. Wait- how about my underwear? No. There's no way I will give this to her!

But it's going to be weird if I'm still going to wear this again without washing it. Argh! Just do it, Felix!

I took off my underwear and wrapped the towel around my waist. I came out of her room while carrying my clothes. Hyejin is scrolling through her phone.

I slowly walk towards her and put down my clothes on the couch. I quickly ran to the bathroom and locked it. I don't want to see her reaction! This is embarrassing!

I started taking a shower. I turned on the shower and my phone started ringing.

Dad calling...

[Felix! Where did you go last night?! You didn't even showed your face to your Mom before we go!]

"Let's not cross paths, okay? It's better to be like this. We don't see each other's faces"

[You're such a disappointment! Until when are you going to do this?!]

"Please? Stop making a fuss. I can't bear with you anymore"

[Felix? Please stop]

I heard Mom's voice and my tears started falling. How can this be so painful? Just hearing her voice makes me want to cry.

[Felix? Please bring back the old you. Why are you like this? What's the matter?]

"I-I need to g-go. Sorry" I said and ended the call

I punched the mirror out of frustration. Why am I being like this? What's the matter with me?!

"Felix! Are you okay?!" Hyejin shouted and opened the door "Oh my gosh! What happened?! Your hand is bleeding!"

She wrapped my hand using a towel. She is trying to pull me out of the shower but I am not moving.

"What the? Let's go! We need to clean your wound!" she shouted

I looked at her. She looks so scared but she's trying to be strong. I forgot, her Mom killed herself.

"Hyejin" I called her

"What? Your hand is bleeding!" she shouted and she finally pulled me out of the bathroom

She brought me to her room. She started cleaning my wound. I can't feel any pain now.

"Y-Your M-Mom" I started

"What about her?" Hyejin asked while cleaning my wound

"My brother killed himself because of depression just like your Mom" I added

Hyejin stopped and took a deep breath. She continued cleaning the wound again.

"May I ask what happened?" she asked

"Before he died he told me that he wasn't good enough for Dad. He was trying his best for Dad but that monster didn't even care about my brother. My brother, Fritz. He held it for a long time, he tried to hide everything. He was always alone crying in his room. No one knows about him. I saw him, he visited me in my room and told his goodbyes to me. I thought it's just a dream but I was wrong. He killed himself, he cut his wrist that night. I saw him lifeless with my own two eyes" I said and faked a smile

She's still cleaning the wound.

"I realized that it was my Father's fault. If he didn't just made my brother feel like he is not enough. He is still alive until now. Everything fall apart, the old me died and left with my brother. This is not the Felix they used to know. I am different, they changed me" I smirked

Hyejin looked at me.

"He is doing to me what he did to my brother. He is making me feel I am not enough" my tears fell

She wiped my tears and held my cheeks "Don't let it get into you. You are good enough and you are doing great. Think of your brother, he is proud of you. Only your brother believes in you. Let's help each other to leave the dark past. We need to move forward" she smiled

"I-I'm scared" I whispered

"I'm here" she smiled again and stood up "Your clothes are at the balcony. I think it's dry now"

She was about to left when she stopped without turning around.

"I also believe in you"

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