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Felix's POV

I arrived at Hyunjin's hospital. My friends are all here.

"When did you all get here?" I asked

"About one hour ago, I think" Chan

"Is Minho there inside?" I asked again

"Yeah, with his brothers" Minkyu

Hyunjin came together with Eric.

"Nice seeing you all again. Excuse me, I have to check Mr. Lee" Eric said and went inside

"Aren't you guys hungry?" Jeongin asked

"I am" Hyunjin

"Who'll come with me? I'll buy our food" Minkyu

"I'll go" Jisung

"Me too" Jeongin

"I'll go with you guys" Changbin

Seungmin and Hyunjin left with Minkyu, Changbin, Jeongin, and Jisung.

"What happened?" I asked Chan

"Minho told me that his brother called. His father had a heart attack at 4am, good thing they brought him here as fast as they can. If they didn't he might die at their house. I told Minho to go and that I will tell you guys about what happened" Chan

"I'm worried" I said

"About what?" Chan looked at me

"You know Hyejin doesn't know about this. I didn't tell her, I'm worried that her Father might die and she didn't even know. I don't want her to regret for not choosing to meet his Father"

"I understand, but you know we can't do our own decisions. I'm sure Hyejin won't go with you if you will tell her you will bring her to her Father. But if you will bring her here without telling her you must know what can happen. She might hate you forever for doing that. And if you won't bring her here, it's our conscience that will haunt us for not bringing Hyejin here before Mr. Lee's situation become dangerous" Chan

"Chan, it's hard. I want to do Mr. Lee a favor and also I want to keep my promise to Hyejin. What should I do now?" I asked

"We have to go home. Minho is inside. Thank you guys for visiting our Father" one of Minho's older brother said and left with the other one

"How about we think positive? Let's not think about the negative ones. What if Hyejin will have a change of heart if she saw her Father?" Chan

It's not impossible that Hyejin will have a change of heart. I know she has a soft heart for everyone.

Minho came out of the room while talking to Eric.

"I'll go inside" I told them and entered the room

Mr. Lee is staring at the ceiling.

"How are you, Sir?" I asked

"Thank you all for visiting me. I'm really fine now, Felix" he said and trying to get up

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