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Felix's POV

I know this is gonna happen. But I wasn't ready for this. It's okay, Felix. You just need to say sorry and explain to her.

"Felix, where did you go? Didn't you noticed your parent's messages and calls?" Chan asked

"I blocked their number" I answered

"You parents texted me, you need to go home now" Hyunjin

"Why?" I asked

"There's something they find out about you when they are out of town" Chan

"You should go home now and better explain everything to us tomorrow" Hyunjin

"Thank you. I'll go now, I'll just come back tomorrow" I said and hop in my car

I started driving to my house. What did they find out? I didn't do anything wrong.

"I'm curious" I whispered to myself

After a couple of minutes I finally arrived at my home. I parked the car and got off. I saw Dad glaring at me from his office room. Let's be ready for this, Felix. You already experienced a lot.

I took a deep breath and went inside.

"Felix" Mom called and hugged me

"How's your trip?" I asked

"It's fine, your Dad wants to talk to you" Mom said

"I know" I answered

"Is it hard to check our messages?!" Dad shouted

"Calm down" Mom

"I blocked your numbers" I answered

"How disrespectful of you!" Dad slapped me

"Calm down, please. Don't hurt your own son" Mom begged

"You're such a disappointment! Better explain this one!" Dad shouted and threw the newspaper on the floor

"What's this?" Mom asked when she picked up the newspaper

"Your great son went to a bar! You know it'll be a big news if you're going to someone's bar! You are ruining the bar's reputation! You are going to take over soon! How can you do this?!" Dad shouted

"I'm tired" I said

"How can you say you are tired after giving us problems! How are you going to handle this one?!" He shouted again

"Just calm down, please" Mom

"You are too much!" Dad shouted and punched my face

I smirked "Is punching my face can change you? Is it can change how you treat your sons? Is hurting all of us can make you regret of everything?!"

"How can you shout in front of you Father!?" he shouted and punched me again

"P-Please, stop. Don't hurt my son, I'm begging you!" Mom hugged him

"After Fritz's death, you didn't even felt pain. You continued working and made me continue Fritz's works. You even managed to smile after his death! Do you guys even know that he suffered from depression?!" I shouted

"W-What d-depression? H-How?" Mom asked me

"Fritz died because Dad made him feel he is not good enough! I always saw him crying at his room! Are you expecting from a 17 years old to carry all the works?! He is 17 years old, damn! Did you guys even asked him if he was okay? If he wants this work?! If he wants to take over the company?! Do you guys even know that at a young age he was fighting depression alone?! Do you know how much my brother suffered?!" I shouted

"F-Felix, I-I don't understand" Mom

"Do you guys know what hurts even more? He visited me before he killed himself. I din't even had the chance to hug him or tell him he is going to be fine! My brother killed his self because of you!" I shouted at my Father

I can see tears falling from my Mom's eyes.

"You killed him and I'm not going to forgive you" I said and went to my room

I locked the door and lied down on my bed.

Why am I crying?

One message received

From : Chan

Are you home? I hope everything's fine. We saw the news.

From : Minho

Can we talk to you tomorrow? Dad wants to thank you for bringing my sister here.

From : Jisung

Hey, call us if something happens.

To : Chan

Can you pick me up? I don't want to stay here anymore. Don't tell anyone.

From : Chan

I'm with Eunji. I'm on my way. Just a minute. Wait for us.

I turned off my phone and quickly packed some of my clothes and things for school. I carried my bag and left my room.

I went to Fritz's room and entered. I closed the door and looked at his picture. It's been so long since I entered your room, Fritz. Please help me get through this.

"Help me, Fritz" I whispered

I quickly left my house carrying my bag, phone and other important things. I saw Chan's car outside of our mansion.

"Get in" Eunji said

I nodded and hop in.

"Are you going somewhere? Why do you have your bag with you?" Eunji asked

"I need a place to stay. I had a small fight with my parents" I explained

Chan started driving.

"If that's just a small fight you're not going to cry, Felix. What happened?" Eunji

"I don't want to talk about it" I whispered but I'm sure they heard it

"Stay at my house" Chan

"I don't want your family to be involved" I said

"You can stay at my house. Besides, Chan and Hyunjin are always there. You're not going to feel lonely. Also, Eric is there" Eunji

"Is it okay with Eric?" Chan asked Eunji

"Of course, you are guys welcome to our house" Eunji answered

I saw Eunji typing on her phone. Maybe she's telling Eric that I will stay at their house for the meantime.

"How about you and Hyejin? Is everything okay?" Chan asked

"No, she's mad. I need to fix everything as possible" I answered

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