|chap·ter 002|

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"I'll be right back, babe," her 'boyfriend' told her. "Be back soon," she pouted. "Of course, Lili," he chuckled. She was about to eat a slice of cherry pie when the café doors opened. Lisa turned around and saw the one and only, Jeon Jungkook. "Shit," she muttered.

I'm fucked. She quickly grabbed her phone to text him. 'Babe,-' "Lisa?" She stopped typing and faced Jungkook. "Jungkook," she looked down, feeling embarrassed to look at him.

"I thought you were," he paused, "in Thailand?" "Listen.." Lisa started to play with her fingers. "When did you come back?" Jungkook's voice cracked. "I.." Lisa trailed off. "Why didn't you tell me you came back?" He asked again, his eyes filling up with tears. "Jungkook look I'm sorry," Lisa stood up.

"Lisa, I've been thinking," he looked at her, sadly. "Jungkook.." "Baby," The man walked up to Lisa. "Baby?" Jungkook repeated confused. "Jungkook, I can explain," she insisted. "I gotta go," Jungkook left without saying anything else. Lisa watched him leave. The girl Jungkook walked in with stared at her before chasing after him.

This is all your fault Lisa, you lost him and decided to cheat on him. The only one who actually cared. "What was I thinking?" She yelled, grabbing people's attention. "Lisa.." "Jackson, give me some time," Lisa left the café crying.


"Sorry you had to deal with that," Jungkook chuckled, wiping his tears. "It's okay, I mean, we've all been in a situation like that, right?" Chaeyoung looked down, her mind being filled with memories. "I know how you feel," she quietly told Jungkook. "What's your story? If you don't mind me asking."

"Thank you for dropping me off," Chaeyoung smiled. "You know it's nothing," he chuckled. "I wish we didn't have to end our date too early, but I understand how your parents are," Chaeyoung pouted.

"Ah, yeah," he rubbed his nape. "I'll see you tomorrow in class?" He asked. "Of course," she pecked his cheek, waving goodbye. Chaeyoung closed the door to her apartment, smiling. "Ahh, his car keys," Chaeyoung said re-opening her apartment's door.

"Tae! Wait! You forgot your-" Chaeyoung stopped running when she saw him kissing someone else. "Taehyung?" Tears rapidly rushed down her cheek. "Chaeyoung!" Chaeyoung started running back to her apartment, sobbing. "Why? Why Taehyung?" She cried out loudly.

Chaeyoung finished her story before tears could fall down. She turned around to meet Jungkook's gaze. "Oh, I'm sorry," Jungkook apologized, looking down at the grass. "I probably don't have to explain since you already know what happened," Jungkook chuckled. "I guess," Chaeyoung quietly. "Pretty sunset, isn't it?" He tried changing the subject.

"It's really nice," Chaeyoung smiled. She somehow felt, uneasy. Chaeyoung gazed at Jungkook, admiring him. "I'm sorry about today," Jungkook looked back at her. "We can study some other day," Chaeyoung suggested. "Don't apologize, that was an all of a sudden event," she shrugged.

"You're really beautiful," Jungkook muttered. "Hm?" "The sunset is really beautiful," Jungkook repeated. "Oh, yes it really is," Chaeyoung agreed. "I should head home." Chaeyoung stood up. "Can I have your number?" Jungkook asked getting up from where he was sitting.

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow. "For studying matters," Jungkook stuttered. "Sure," Chaeyoung smiled. Jungkook handed his phone to her. As she typed her number, he admired her visuals. "Pretty," he spoke.

"Here," Chaeyoung handed his phone back to him. "Chae-Chaeyoung?" "Yes that's me," She smiled. "Text me for any reason," she chuckled. "I will," he smiled back.

Chaeyoung started walking. "Wait!" Jungkook grabbed her arm. Chaeyoung felt his warm touch that instantly made her blush. "Sorry," he stuttered. "Do you need a ride?" He asked.

"Not really, I go walking straight," she smiled, feeling unbothered that she'll walk. "Plus, I enjoy the cool breeze at this time," she smiled. "I'll see you in class then?" He asked. "Of course," she waved goodbye to him.


"How is Chaeyoung's mission going?" Jennie asked. "Well she hasn't came yet," Yoongi replied, "but I did give her a thick file full with information." Jennie chuckled at Yoongi's statement.


"Jennie?" Yoongi asked, turning his gaze from the TV to towards her. "Hm?" She asked, continuing to eat popcorn. "I really like you," he said. "I like you too Yoongs," she looked at him, holding his cheek.

"Then why won't you be my girlfriend?" Yoongi asked. "Well, you haven't asked." Jennie chuckled, winking at him. "Well, Kim Jennie, would you love to be my girlfriend?" Yoongi asked, looking at her.

"Min Yoongi, I would love to be your girlfriend," she smiled, lightly tapping his nose. Yoongi lowered his head, hoping to get a kiss or at least a peck. "Not yet," Jennie said. "Aww," Yoongi pouted. "Im just playing," Jennie kissed him. Yoongi widely smiled.

"Baby?" Jennie asked. "Hm?" "Do you think my brother and Rosie would become a thing again?" Jennie asked, looking up to him from their cuddling position. "I highly doubt Chaeyoung would give him a second chance, remember when you had to stay overnight with her?" Yoongi asked. "You're right," Jennie looked up back at him, "this won't happen between us, right?"

"Why would I cheat on a beautiful women like you? Do you know how long I had been dreaming for you to become my girlfriend?" Yoongi asked. "How long?" "Since when you were with Kai," Jennie chuckled at Yoongi's statement. "Explains why you always seemed too serious when he came around," Jennie teased him.


Taehyung was taking a late night jog. He turned around to see a slim figure, Park Chaeyoung, if he wasn't mistaking. "Chae!" He yelled, jogging up to her. "What?" She coldly asked. "Calm down tiger," Taehyung teased her. "Taehyung.." Chaeyoung stopped walking to face him.

"Chaeyoung listen," "There's no need for me to hear you apologizing what happened two or three years ago," Chaeyoung looked away from his gaze and began to walk. "Chaeyoung, really, listen to me this time," Taehyung jogged up to her.

"Taehyung, just let go of the past, it's been years, move on or go back to who ever you were making out with that night," Chaeyoung faced him. Taehyung was left speechless.

"Goodnight," Chaeyoung opened the door to her apartment, walking in. "Chaeyoung wait," he held her arm. "No Taehyung," Taehyung sat her arm free, letting Chaeyoung close the door. She put her back against the door, tears furiously came crashing down her cheek.


a/n: i hope this chapter explains a lil more about tae's and rosies past relationship :) trust me it made me a lil sad writing this and yoonies part made me aww -~-

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