|chap·ter 003|

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"Goodmorning Chaeyoung! I didn't see you in class today, can we meet in my place?" Chaeyoung read Jungkook's text. She continued to stare at the message she received an hour ago. 'sure', she simply texted him back.

It took a while for all the events that had happened to process in her mind. She sat up and looked at herself at the mirror in front of her. "You look like shit," a female voice told her.

Chaeyoung turned her head around to see Jennie standing in the doorway. "Jennie," Chaeyoung laid back down, covering her face with her blankets.

"Did he come by wanting to talk about it again?" Jennie asked, now sitting on the edge of the bed. "Yes." Chaeyoung muttered. "Chae.." Jennie paused, she didn't want to target her brother but he caused a lot of damage to the one girl who she really loves and cares about, just as if she and Chaeyoung were sisters.

"Jennie, don't feel bad for me," Chaeyoung said, avoiding eye contact. There was a minute of dead silence. "We all atleast had to suffer a bad breakup some point in our life, right." Chaeyoung sat up and rested her head on Jennie's shoulders.

"Careful, it's a Dior knitwear, the latest release," Jennie said. Chaeyoung led out a quiet chuckle. "What time is it?" "Two in the afternoon," Jennie replied holding up her phone.  "I gotta go," Chaeyoung rushed to the restroom turning on the hot water to shower.

"Chae, how is the mission going though?" Jennie asked. "I have to study with my target, its a win win," Chaeyoung said before closing the bathrooms door on Jennie.


"Taehyung it's disgusting," Jennie told her brother. Taehyung groaned. "You've been drinking and bringing in girl's for who knows how long," Jennie stared at her sober brother. "So?" "What do you mean so? It can affect you, Taehyung," Jennie loudly spoke.

The room stayed silent. Jennie wanted to ask for how long he's been drinking, but she already knew the answer. "Since Chaeyoung broke up with me," Taehyung said as if he read her mind. "I miss her Jennie. Everywhere I go, it reminds me of her. She told me to let go of the past but I just can't. I'm still in love with her." Taehyung tried not cry, but his eyes betrayed him.

"Tae," Jennie went over to Taehyung who was sitting down on the couch. "You know what you did was really fucked up, who knows how many secrets you hid from her." "A lot Jennie," Taehyung looked up at his sister, his eye's filled with tears.

"A lot." "Just stop drinking and messing around with girls. You know Yeji looks up to you the most, you don't want to ruin that for her and yourself," Jennie looked at him. "When is she coming back?" Taehyung asked. "In a week," she sighed.


"What are you getting ready for?" Jungkook asked his roommate, Jimin. "I have a date," Jimin replied smiling. "Who's the lucky girl?" Jungkook asked. "Can't say," Jimin smiled. "Hyung, you know you're terrible at keeping secrets," Jungkook said. "Bye," Jimin left the room leaving Jungkook alone in the room.


"So you have negative two 'x'," Jungkook began explaining. "If rocks are living things, do they poop? Jungkook's place is nice. Yeotan is better looking than Taehyung," Chaeyoung thought. "Chaeyoung, are you listening?" Jungkook asked. "Hm?" "What's the answer?" Jungkook asked.

"I thought you already solved it?" Chaeyoung asked. There was a moment of complete silence. "Chaeyoung if you want to pass, you need to pay attention," Jungkook told her softly. "Jungkook you should be mad that I'm not paying attention and you're just wasting your time on me," Chaeyoung had her head resting on her hand.

"Why mad? I'm glad I'm helping you," Jungkook said. Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow. "You know, I love helping people," Jungkook panicked to find his words. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes. Forgetting about her grades, she remembered her job.

"What else do you like?" Chaeyoung asked, sitting up straight. "It's a long list, you would find it boring," Jungkook chuckled. "I'd love to hear your interests," Chaeyoung said, faking a smile. "Do you want to take a break of studying? That way we can also get to know eachother," Jungkook suggested. "Yeah," Chaeyoung immediately stood up.


"Afternoon walks or night walks around the beach also bicycling around the Han River," Jungkook stopped walking. He turned around to look at Chaeyoung sitting down on a bench. "Now, tell me about yourself," Jungkook said, sitting down next to Chaeyoung.

"Well, I have an older brother, I used to live in Australia, my favorite color is red and blue, and my parents had suffered, a lot," Chaeyoung said the last words quietly, looking down.

Jungkook lightly touched her hand. Chaeyoung looked up at Jungkook, confused by his actions. "What about your family?" Chaeyoung asked. "Well, my parents don't allow me to ask any questions about my family, I only have my parents but they're always busy," Jungkook said looking away from the view to look at Chaeyoung.

"Do they have jobs?" Chaeyoung asked again. "I mean, of course, but I don't know what they do," Jungkook said. "Why don't you ask," Chaeyoung sent him a confused face. "They prohibited me from asking any questions about their jobs," Jungkook chuckled. "So?" "It's too risky," he added. "Are you over Lisa, yet?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Jungkook threw a small grin to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung looked away from him. "Do you want to take me out or what?" Jungkook's grin grew bigger. "I was just asking," Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

Jungkook chuckled and looked down at his lap. "That's too bad, I was hoping you'd say yes," Jungkook smiled, showing his bunny teeth. "What do you mean?" Chaeyoung looked at him confused. "Chaeyoung, do you want to go on a date with me?" Jungkook intensely looked at her in the eyes. Chaeyoung froze.


a/n: hellooo, i kindaf felt this chapter was boring but i also needed inspiration. be safe everyone!!! wash your hands!!!!<33 also our boi jungkook making moves fast😏 also sorry for typos.

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