| chap·ter 011|

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/A week ago../

"Be careful Chaeyoungie, update us, and stay strong," Jihyo told her. "Of course," Chaeyoung smiled. "Thank you guys for agreeing to take care of my house," Chaeyoung said. "I mean your house is pretty big and- oww!" Yugyeom screamed. "What was that for?" He asked Jihyo.

"Anyways, no making out in my room!" Chaeyoung pointed at them. "We won't," Jihyo suspiciously smiled. "I mean it," Chaeyoung said, exiting the door with her suitcase. "Take care!" Jihyo and Yugyeom waved her goodbye.



"Jihyo," Yugyeom called her. "Jihyo?" He went over to Chaeyoung's kitchen and saw her with her laying her head down. "Babe," he lightly shook her. Soft snores were only heard. He grabbed an envelope from Jihyo's hand. "For Chaeyoung.." Yugyeom read the big bold letters wrote on the envelope.

Out of curiosity, he decided to open the envelope. Inside, there was a letter. "What is this?" He questioned himself as he read the letter. "What's what?" Jihyo quietly said, rubbing her eyes. He laid down the letter on the table and pulled a seat to sit himself next to Jihyo.

Jihyo looked over at Yugyeom with wide eyes.


"Hey babe," Jennie said as she walked towards Yoongi. She pecked his cheek before setting down a couple of files. "Remember, we have thin walls," Yoongi teased her. "Yah! Go back to work," Jennie demanded. "I actually found out about.." Yoongi said looking up at Jennie. "About?" Jennie asks.

"Chanyeol and Chaeyoung's father's death," Yoongi quietly said. "What do you mean?" "Their father was assassinated." "I thought he died off an illness?" Jennie said, confused. "Who killed him?" "Jeons." Yoongi said.


Seulgi got home from a date with Park Jimin. "Irene?" She asks as she puts her purse on the couch. "You're back?" Her cousin asks her. "Yeah," Seulgi said, looking over at Irene. "Lalisa?" Seulgi says in shock. "Unnie," Lisa smiles at her. "Seulgi, let's talk, yeah?" Irene tells her as she exits the room with her cousin

"What is she doing here?" Seulgi whisper shouts. "Listen, she wanted to get revenge on her ex boyfriend that's it," Irene whispers to her. "Irene, you know she's insane! Last time you helped her she," Seulgi stopped talking when she heard stuff fall off. Irene and her rushed to see what happened. "Sorry," Lisa said innocently smiling.

Tons of files and paperwork were on the ground. Seulgi pulled Irene back to the place where they were talking. "You see what I mean?" Seulgi asks Irene. "Calm down." "Calm down?! She's Lalisa, Irene!" Seulgi whisper shouts.

"We can't just let her go, she knows to much," Irene tells her. "Knock her out with a vase and make her memory be gone," Seulgi suggests. "You think that's going to work?" Irene whisper-shouts at her. "I want her gone Irene," Seulgi demands, "you know all she does is put us in more danger." Seulgi and Irene stare at each other until Irene sighs in defeat. "I'll get rid of her," Irene whispers.

'Did you get home safe?' Seugli reads the message she got from Jimin. 'Yes' she types, smiling.


"It's always what Seulgi wants," Lisa mutters. A sudden thought strucked her mind. "But I have to take care of his new chick first," Lisa face palms herself. She walked in the dark but immediately stopped when she heard two people talking. She moved closer to eavesdrop.


"Jennie-ah, I don't think it'll be right to keep this from her, she has the right to know," Yoongi tells Jennie. "You know how worried and sad she has been lately, I don't want her to put on more stress," Jennie tells Yoongi as they walk in, hand in hand.

"What about Chanyeol?" Yoongi asks Jennie. "He'll know after he's finished with his job at this moment, we both know he's the calmest between him and Chaeyoung," Jennie looks down at her feet.

A sudden 'click' was heard behind the couple. Yoongi reached into his coat to grab his gun but Jennie placed her hand on his to stop him. She signals Yoongi with her eyes.


Chaeyoung has stayed with her mother in the hospital day and night. She only left to use the restroom. Taehyung would come by and take care of Chaeyoung but she would tell him she was fine.

"Mommy, please don't leave me and Chanyeol," Chaeyoung silently said as tears came running down her cheek. "Chae.." Taehyung ran to her after opening the door to her mother's room. Taehyung hugged her and rubbed her back in circles. "I don't want her gone Tae," Chaeyoung cried.

Taehyung cupped Chaeyoung's face. "Chaeyoung, your mother is strong, we both know she'll survive, don't let the negativity get to you," Taehyung comforted her.

"Thank you, Tae," Chaeyoung whispered after she calmed down a bit. Taehyung was patting her back as she laid her head on his thighs. "You know I'll always be there for you," Taehyung hesitated to say, remembering every event that had happened in the past. "Fuck," he cussed.


"Taehyung?" Taehyung opened his eyes and saw a beautiful blonde headed. "Hm?" He rubbed his eyes and sat up on his bed. "Chanyeol, just left and your phone has been buzzing, alot," Chaeyoung said before closing the door to his room. He grabbed his phone from the night stand. 'Taehyung call me asap.' He read the message that was sent from his sister.

"What happened?" He said on the phone. "Taehyung we found out who killed Chaeyoung's and Chanyeol's father," Jennie said. Taehyung exited his room to talk on the phone outside. "Who?" Taehyung asked. "Remember the Jeons?" Jennie asked him. A sudden thought stroked Taehyung's mind.

"Do we kill them or what?" Taehyung asked in an angry tone. "What do you mean kill them?" Jennie laughed at his statement. "Chaeyoung is going after their son in order to get in touch with his parents but Yoongi is researching for the background story to why the Jeons killed their father," Jennie said. "Code?" Taehyung asked. "Code Yellow." Jennie said before hanging up on her brother.


a/n: helloo sorry for not updating soon! i didnt know what to write for this chapter:( be safe everyone!!!! i also cant believe this book got 50 stars and 900 views already!! thank you so much:D!!

<i apologize for the typos>

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