| chap·ter 008|

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Irene was currently online shopping. She heard a knock from the door. She thought it was Seulgi, her cousin. There was another knock on the door. This time for sure she knew it was her cousin. "Coming," Irene yelled from the kitchen. She stood up from her seat and walked towards the door. "Huh?" She said as she peeped through her doors pipe hole.

"What is it?" Irene asked, mid way opening the door. "Irene-unnie, do you remember Jeon Jungkook?" Ah, Jeon Jungkook. My cousin's boyfriend's roommate and best friend. Irene thought. "Yeah, what about him?" Irene crossed her arms and leaned onto the side of the door. "Let's just say," Lisa smirked.


"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night," Taehyung said. "Okay Shakespeare," Chaeyoung teased him. "It's actually a quote by Sarah Williams," Taehyung said. "It's whatever," Chaeyoung said as she walked in a zig-zag pattern.


"So how's college?" Taehyung asked out of the blue. "Tiring, I've been failing a few of my classes," Chaeyoung said. "You know, if you're stuck on a subject you can ask me for help," Taehyung said, glancing over at Chaeyoung. "I actually have someone helping me so I think I'm fine," Chaeyoung said looking over at Taehyung. "We're here," Taehyung said removing the his keys.

Chaeyoung got out of the car. "It's been days I haven't came by," Chaeyoung ran to open the buildings door. "Excited much?" Taehyung chuckled. Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and smiled. "Is Jennie here?" She asked. "Mhm," Taehyung said and watched Chaeyoung skip to Jennie's office. "Wait for me!" Taehyung whispered yelled at Chaeyoung.

"Why aren't there lights on?" Chaeyoung asked Taehyung. Taehyung was about to speak but noises from Jennie's office were heard. "Chaeyoung stay behind me," Taehyung ordered. He pulled out a gun from his back that was being covered by his coat. "What? You had a gun all this time?" Chaeyoung whispered shouted. "Chaeyoung shush," Taehyung said as he carefully walked over at Jennie's office aiming his gun.

"Okay, Chaeyoung in the count of three, we go in there but-" "Yah!" Chaeyoung yelled as she whipped open the door to Jennie's office. Taehyung and Chaeyoung stood infront of Jennie's opened office with wide eyes. All along there weren't no intruders. Just Jennie and Yoongi. Making out. "Yah! Explains why there was so much noises! The paperwork on the floor, that phone is about to fall and Jennie's hickey," Chaeyoung said.

"H-Hickey?" Jennie stuttered. "Yah! Yoongi I told you no!" Jennie pushed Yoongi and rushed to her makeup bag. She cursed herself out as she rushed to the restroom. Yoongi stood in embarrassment, infront of the younger ones.

"So," Yoongi cleared his throat. "Disgusting," Chaeyoung nodded her head. "Indeed," Taehyung copied Chaeyoung. "Yah Taehyung! You had done worst things than me-" Yoongi was about to continue but he looked at Chaeyoung's confused expression. "Right," Taehyung cleared his throat. "Well I have news," Chaeyoung said.


"Jungkook-ah," Jimin called out to him. "Did you enjoy third wheeling today?" Jimin asked him, smirking. "Yah! You know how awkward I was," Jungkook facepalmed himself. "Then you should've brought someone with you," Jimin shrugged. "I could've brought Chaeyoung," Jungkook said. "Who?" Jimin asked glancing over at Jungkook. "You know, my date," Jungkook said looking Jimin. "Oh," Jimin said shaping an 'o' with his mouth.

"But I swear, I feel like I saw her," Jungkook continued, "But I think I'm just being delusional." "You should invite her next time," Jimin said. "Sure," Jungkook said resting his head.

Jungkook plopped himself on his bed. He hasn't heard from Chaeyoung ever since they went on their first date. Jungkook tried to not over think. "Jungkook?" There was a knock on his door. "Jimin.." He opened the door. Infront of him stood a tall handsome man with a black suit. "Namjoon-hyung," Jungkook bowed.

"Get ready," Namjoon told him. "For?" He asked. "We have 'meeting'." Namjoon air quoted. "But I haven't decided yet-" "Here put this on," Namjoon ignored Jungkook and gaved him a black suit.

"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked. "Somewhere," A female voice responded. Jungkook soon saw they were going inside a club related place. "Is this a club?" He asked. The female in the passanger seat looked over at Namjoon. Namjoon glanced at her and nodded. "Listen kid, I know you're new to this but once we go inside, there you stay silent. Got it?" She told him. Jungkook nodded.

Namjoon got off his car. He walked to the other side of the car and grabbed his fiance's hand. "Namjoon you know he's a target to a few other gangs," The female said. "Don't worry," Namjoon smiled at her and lightly pecked her cheek, making her smile.


"Why the specific seats?" Jennie asked. "What do you mean?" Taehyung asked. "Why do I have to sit next to you?" Jennie asked. "Are you complaining?" Taehyung held his chest as if he was hurt. "Hands on the steering wheel Taehyung," Jennie rolled her eyes. "We're traumatized unnie, what if you guys smoochy smoochy again but this time accidently make a baby," Chaeyoung peeked her head between the siblings.

Silence grew in the car. "Yoongi oppa stop it's mine!" Chaeyoung shouted causing everyone to jump. "Yah Chaeyoung! I would've crashed!" Taehyung told her. "Yoongi!" Jennie looked at him. "What? I saw the chocolate bar first," Yoongi complained. Jennie glared at Yoongi. "Fine," Yoongi gaved Chaeyoung a half bitten chocolate bar. "Ha!" Chaeyoung took the chocolate bar. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"We're here losers," Taehyung said getting out of the car. "Chaeyoung, remember, best behavior," Jennie reminded her. "Yeah yeah, that, this, and that," Chaeyoung said as she ate the last piece of the chocolate bar. Taehyung laughed at her causing Jennie to glare at him. "That goes to you too Taehyung," Jennie said. "Yeah, sure," Taehyung said as he walked behind of his sister. "I mean it," Jennie said without looking at Taehyung who was making faces behind her. "Stop," Chaeyoung whispered as she giggled. "Guys," she suddenly said.

"What?" They all said. "That's Jeon Jungkook, with the KC," Chaeyoung said. "Well shit," Yoongi said. Jennie looked at Chaeyoung.


a/n: hello guyss! sorry for the late update. i hope this chapter makes sense hehe. stay safe everyone!! and get ready for lady gaga's album ft many artists like blackpink😳

<i apologize for the typos>

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