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"I feel like everything is going by so fast," Chaeyoung said as she folded her clothes neatly. "So how's mom?" Her brother asked her on the phone. "The doctor said she's recovering from the illness," Chaeyoung said. She couldn't help but smile.

"Hey Chan?" "Yeah?" "Can mom come with us to Korea?" Chaeyoung curiously asked. Her brother mumbled something under his breathe. "Chaeyoungie I have to work," Chanyeol told her.

"Love you, take care!" Her brother said hanging up. "Love you too," she said. She stepped out of her, walking towards the kitchen. "Goodmorning," Chaeyoung looked up and saw Taehyung taking a sip off his coffee while leaning on the counter.

"Morning," Chaeyoung said, tip toeing her way to the counter where Taehyung was leaning on. "I made you a coffee," Taehyung placed his coffee down. Chaeyoung looked over at Taehyung then carefully lifted up the coffee from the counter. She took a small sip.

"So?" Taehyung asked her. She swallowed the sip. "It's not bad.." Chaeyoung said. "Just because I confused salt with sugar once doesn't mean I'll do it  a second time," Taehyung said making Chaeyoung chuckle. "Who knows," Chaeyoung said as she chugged down the drink.

1 week later...

"Mistakes were to happen," Irene said to Lisa. Lisa stared down at her hands. Blood. "I didn't mean to unnie," Lisa apologized. "Yah Lisa stop apologizing and just help me clean this up," Irene stood up and grabbed a wet towel. "Do you think he's dead?" Lisa asked as she helped clean up the blood.

"Who knows," Irene said, throwing away the towel filled with blood. She went to Lisa's room. "Im so dead," she muttered. Irene grabbed a black hoodie and black boots. She grabbed a red lipstick and wrote 'Gone' on Lisa's mirror.

Irene unlocked the front door. "Where are you going?" Lisa asked. Irene turned around to look at her. "Im getting the truck," she coldly said. "Can we take him to the hospital?" Lisa asked. "Sure," Irene sighed. She stepped out of the house and walked over to her truck.

"What a fucking psycho," Irene rolled her eyes. Her phone beeped twice. 'Where are you?' she read the message. 'Lisa.' Irene responded to her. 'Unnie, how far is the truck?'

Irene read the message from Lisa. 'I told you to ghost her Irene! Get out of there already!' 'She might've killed someone..' Irene typed to Seulgi. 'Ditch, we don't want anymore trouble' Seulgi told her.

Irene got inside the truck. She inserted her keys inside and began driving. "Sorry.." she whispered as she drove by Lisa's house. "Not sorry.." a smirk formed on her lips.

"Unnie?" Lisa yelled as she walked in the dark. "The truck was here.." Lisa muttered. "She fucking ditched me!" Lisa yelled. A couple from the opposite of the side walk started walking fast, giving Lisa weird looks. "What?" Lisa yelled at them,  causing them to yelp.

She walked rushed to her house. She entered her home finding the body gone. She slowly walked towards the bathroom. "Lalisa?" A manly voice spoke behind her. She turned around, frightened. Lisa hugged him tight, "I thought I lost you!"

"What happened?" He asked. Lisa stepped away from the man. "Uhh.." she scratched her head. "What's your name?" She asked. "Jungkook, why are you asking? You know my name," He chuckled. "Ah, well we were having a date night and a robber invaded the house, and they knocked you out then left," Lisa stuttered.

"Oh really?" Jungkook asked. Lisa's heart started racing. "Did they hurt you?" He held Lisa's hands together. "No," she smiled. "Great, it's late I'm sure Jimin hyung will be worried," Jungkook said. Lisa looked down. "Is something wrong?" Jungkook asked her.

"I'm just afraid someone might break in my house again," Lisa looked up at Jungkook. Jungkook hesitated for a minute. "I can stay here if you want," he said. "Please," Lisa smiled.


a/n: helloo sorry for not updating and the short part today idk whats it called hehe.. i had been busy with school lately.. be safe everyone!!!

<i apologize for the typos>

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