Part 3

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As if god was playing a cruel joke on him, within the hour Janna had shown up to the castle and was standing in Star's room with all of them. Marco kept the hood tied tightly around his head. Janna paced around his room, clearly a little annoyed.

"Okay what exactly am I here to see?" Janna asked Star as she paced around the room. Star raised a lone finger and pointed at Marco, who pulled the strings of his hood tighter. "What is he hiding? A pimple or something?" She asked more. Tom stayed sitting on Marco's bed, snickering quietly to himself. "You know Marco, you might as well just show me now because I'm going to find a way to see whatever you're hiding from me anyway." She sighed. Marco pulled a bigger opening in the hood, showing his eyes so he could glance at Janna, Tom, and Star. He stared for a moment, and then sighed and slowly pulled off the hood. Janna gasped and ran over to him, yanking his ear up to her eyes just like Star did.

"Oh wow. This is so much better than anything I could've thought of myself." Janna laughed, moving Marco's head around so she could see it better. "Wow and it's the right ear too, you know what that means." She smiled before letting go of his head. Marco stared at her, but that was all she said, she added nothing more. Marco pulled back.

"You aren't going to say what the right ear means?" Marco asked. Janna looked shocked, she looked at all of them, slowly realizing that none of them knew.

"Oh you don't know? You poor poor soul." She grinned evily. "It means your gay." She replied. A chill went down Marco's spine. In the moment his body froze but he didn't know what to do for a moment, whether he should take the piercing out right at that moment, or keep it because he liked it. Janna could tell he was going through a lot of turmoil behind his eyes deep deep in the back of his mind. "Bro chill out, I doubt anyone else is going to think you're gay because of it." She assured, trying to calm her friend down.

"Chill out? I'm chill! Totally chill. People can think I'm gay I don't care." Marco said, extremely unconvincingly. He stumbled over and sat on the bed next to Tom.

"Are you really stressing about this?" Tom asked. Marco shrugged. "You shouldn't, I've had piercings for like forever and no ones ever said anything like that to me before." He assured.

"I'm not really that worried about it." Marco replied, sounding more secure in his statement than he did before.

"Okayyy well I think that's been enough making fun of Marco today! Thanks guys byeee." Star sighed, pushing Janna and Tom out of Marco's room and shutting the door behind them. Once the door had shut she leaned herself and slid down the door and sat on the ground, pulling her knees to her chest. "I'm sorry about that Marco, I didn't think she'd be so mean." Star frowned.

"It's not really mean. I mean, is gay really that big of an insult? D-do you even know what gay means?" Marco asked, scooting himself off the bed and onto the floor in front of him.

"Um, no actually. But the way you reacted to it I just assumed it wasn't something good." She explained. Marco nodded.

"It's like, when a boy likes another boy." He responded. "Or if a girl liked another girl." Star looked shocked for a moment.

"They have different words for that? Here people don't care who you like." Star frowned. Marco shrugged.

"I guess earth is a lot different than here." Marco sighed. "Well this has been an eventful day, I think I'm going to hide under my blanket in my bed for a few years." He breathed, Star moved out of the way as he walked out of the room, met with Tom still standing out in the hall.

"You're still here?" Marco asked, closing the door behind him. Tom nodded.

"Yeah, I wanted to make sure you were okay." He replied, Marco's eyes widened slightly.

"You wanted to make sure I was okay? That's sweet." Marco grinned, causing Tom to roll his eyes.

"Don't get too used to it." He laughed. "I think the earring is cute by the way."

"Awe, that almost makes me not want to take it out." Marco replied, reaching up to his ear. Tom stopped him.

"Wait. You should at least wait a day before you decide to take it out. You might change your mind again in the morning and want to keep it." Tom smiled. "Besides, I'd probably say anything to get you to keep the earring. I really like it."

Marco laughed a little and raised an eyebrow. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were only telling me that so that you can take back your spot as the coolest guy around here." He pointed out. Tom didn't react.

"I can neither confirm nor deny that statement. All I can say is that the earring definitely makes you cooler." Tom grinned. "Come on lets go do something." He put his arm lightly around Marco's shoulder.

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