Part 19

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Upon getting into the room, Maisy began frantically looking into the cells. People she had never seen before seemed to sit in every one until finally she found one of her friends. Maisy slammed her hands into the bars. "Duncan! Duncan I'm right here do you hear me?" She called into the cell. Duncan sat on the other side of the large cell staring at the wall. His head turned and looked at her, his face softening when he saw her. He rushed over to the cell door and reached through.

"Maze? Holy shit how did you get here? Did you bring the others with you?" He asked grinning.

"What? You don't know? Duncan all of you guys went missing, you haven't seen the rest of them here?" Maisy asked, Duncan shook his head.

"No I haven't seen any of them, I haven't seen anything. You don't really see much in a cell." He frowned. Maisy sighed.

"We're going to get you out of here okay? I brought Tom with me and we're going to save all of you guys." She assured. Duncan nodded and smiled.

"You always do. I believe in you, I'll just wait here until you can get me out." He smiled, sitting down on the floor behind the cell door. Maisy nodded and glanced around.

"I'm going to try and find the others." She explained before running off, searching through the other cells. She quickly found each of her friends, taking the time to explain to them what was going on before leaving to search again every time.

"Okay, Violet I just gotta find Lucy and then I'll know where every one is and I can get to the breaking out everyone part." Maisy smiled as she stood outside her best friends cell.

"Saved the best for last huh? Just don't get too distracted making out with Lucy to save us. I'd really like to go home." Violet teased back.

"Shut up." Maisy giggled. "You know Lucy doesn't feel the same way as me. We're just friends." She sighed. "Besides, this is not the time nor the place for me to confess my feelings to her. I'll tell her all about it once we get you guys out of here." 

"Uhuh, I'm sure you wi-" Violet was cut off by Tom flying over. He looked frantic and his eyes were watery as he landed in front of the two girls. Maisy raised an eyebrow at the distraught looking boy.

"He's not here." Tom announced, still glancing around. "I've looked in every cell four times each I've searched everywhere in this room he's not here Marco isn't here." He rambled, Maisy frowned.

"Don't worry Tom, he has to be around here somewhere. Come on, it looks like there's only one guard here. If we take him out and get his keys we can get everyone else out and go search for Marco in the rest of the building." Maisy offered. Tom nodded and rubbed his arm.

"I just want to find him." He breathed. Maisy nodded and looked back at Violet.

"We'll be back, Vi I promise." Maisy smiled at her friend. "Tom, where was Lucy's cell? I should talk to her before we run off to save everyone." Tom's face softened.

"I didn't see her." He admitted. "She's probably wherever they're keeping Marco, don't worry." He forced a smile. "Let's just, get going." Maisy nodded and smiled at Violet one last time before they took off out of the room.

Maisy led Tom up the stairs and back to the surveillance room where the guard was sitting trying to fix the cameras. Maisy could already tell Tom was pretty out of it. He was once again completely lost in thought worrying about what could be happening to Marco. Maisy glanced through the window to see the guard in the surveillance room and sighed.

"We could definitely take him. Come on let's do this." Maisy smiled, opening the door in front of them. The guards head snapped over to them and she stood, raising an eyebrow.

"How did you get in here? Who are you?" She asked as she looked at Maisy, her eyes shifted to Tom and she gasped. "Oh god, you aren't supposed to be here you're supposed to..." Her voice trailed off as she pointed at the broken screens and sighed. "Well I guess it doesn't really matter anymore, all the cameras are offline. You really should be here though, if word gets out about this place it would be very bad for business and that would just defeat the point of all of this wouldn't it." She frowned. 

"Why are you keeping my friends here?" Maisy demanded, stepping closer to the guard.

"Oh, well you know the whole thing around here. You have to be happy or else it ruins the experience for the visitors. You and your friends were not doing a very good job of keeping the spirits high so we had to take things into our own hands." She explained, continuing to press buttons trying to fix the cameras. 

"Where's Marco?" Tom asked, his eyes beginning to glow, Maisy glanced at him and looked confused she had never seen his eyes do that before.

"M...Marco.? Marco, Marco, uh...Oh! You're boyfriend! Yes he's um, well he shouldn't be here. If he's here then there must have been a huge mix up, or he was trying to interfere with the way we work around here. That's always an issue with the adventurous ones." She frowned.

"I'm sorry, what are we doing? Why are we asking questions when we should be kicking ass and getting our friends out of here?" Maisy asked rolling her eyes. Tom began to float slightly as his eyes turned completely white. In a flash of bright light suddenly the guard was tied up and Tom was standing next to her, his eyes back to normal. 

"What was that?" Maisy asked as Tom took the key ring off the guards pants. Tom shrugged and walked to the door.

"I don't want to talk about it." He frowned, walking through the hall and back to the stairs. Maisy skipped after him.

"What do you mean you don't want to talk about it? Bro that was wicked! You like, turned into a beast and then.... well I don't even know what happened next it was so fast. Why didn't you tell me you were such a badass?" Maisy rambled as Tom began unlocking cages.

"I have some... anger issues. They aren't exactly something I'm really proud of." Tom frowned, walking up to Duncan's cage and letting him out.

"You guys came back! Nice!" Duncan grinned.

"How could you not be proud of that? Your so called 'anger issues' just got us to exactly where we needed to be to save my friends! I love your anger issues." Maisy squealed, grabbing the keys out of his hands and letting the rest of her friends out.

"But we still don't know where Marco is." Tom sighed, kicking at the ground. Maisy glanced at him and frowned.

"Here, Violet you make sure everyone else in these cages gets out. We still have stuff to do." Maisy smiled as she handed Violet the key ring. "Come on Tom, we still have to find Marco and Lucy. Our jobs aren't done yet." Maisy grabbed Tom's hand again and pulled him out of the room, making their way towards the stairs.

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