Chapter 7

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Nevaeh's POV:

I feel like I walked for hours on end. There's like no end to this road. On my way to finding this drone, I picked up a stick and named him, Sane. Because I'm losing my mind. Me and him had a couple conversations and even gossiped. While I was out, I called for Deja, but I didn't get a response from her... at least not yet, but the thought of her not being here is troubling me.

Please be okay, Deja.

The noise of propelling caught me off guard and it felt like gravity was weighing down on me and I was being pressured into the dirt road even more,

"Get on your hands and knees! Turn one-hundred and eighty degrees and look straight at us or we will shoot you with no hesitation."

A helicopter. I heard men jump out with guns, running towards me. I felt their aim on my back and panicked. So, slowly, I turned around, first with my eyes closed.

"L-Look, I'm just trying to go home. I'm l-lost a-and I don't know where I am."

"Open your eyes so we can identify you."

Slowly, I open my eyes and see five men standing with their guns aimed at me. I have a stick in my hand, what the hell do they think I'm going to pull out? A scythe?

I noticed one of the five men pull out something, like a scanner, it was pointed towards me and a ray of light shined from it. Scanning me from my head to waist.

"Cannot identity. Error, please try again."

The men raised themselves, looking at me cockeyed,

"Who are you?! How come we can't identify you? Do you work for an agency?"

"Does it look like I work for an agency? I'm wearing ripped jeans and a t-shirt with a jacket."

"Answer the question."

"Technically, I did. But my name is...N-Nev.. Riley. I don't know how I got here. I was with my friend in the woods playing tag and then I fell off a cliff and got here. I don't know where I am."

"So, you're saying you could've passed through another dimension?"

"Uh... I guess? Look, I'm not science savvy. I just want to go home, so can you help me or not?"

They all looked at each other, nodding then looked back to me,

"Hear that boss? Found us a treat."

"Take her and bring her to the facility at once. Upon arrival, prepare her for testing."

"Roger that, Sir."

"You heard 'im boys, get her."

He signaled them off with two fingers as two men, discarded their guns and held me by the arms to drag me into the helicopter.

"No, let me go! Take.. me HOME! Deja! Deja! Help! Please get h-help!"

I cried and cried until...

"Lights out, princess."


"Okay boys, load 'er up."

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