Nobody controls the dragons

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The world was coming down on their heads. A dead bewilderbeast, army of dragons, machines to capture more, and Drago's command for his own bewilderbeast to focus on Toothless. His head didn't pound against his skull, the void acted as the Night Fury's entire brain, making everything hurt instead. 

"Toothless? Come on you can fight this bud!"

"If you control the alpha, you control the dragons."

Toothless's eyes narrowed while his mouth ignited with purple light, taking a few slow steps toward his friend. His vision was melded together by the alpha's force of will alone. Though he could see the outline of Hiccup and Stoick diving in front of him, dark spots in the corners of his eyes suggested Valka and the riders were returning. Another spot appeared and blended into the blob of Stoick. 

The strange effect on his vision wore of just in time to see his plasma ball get deflected by his old protector. Hiccup and Stoick both seemed to expect a different outcome, but they didn't know the Pale Wanderer had killed a goddess, they didn't play by mortal rules. The influence of the alpha returned, the Wanderer raised its hand almost immediately, it flared with void fire and Toothless's vision went completely dark. A white outline of everyone appeared in his vision, the white lines depicted relief on Hiccup's and Platinum's faces and worry on everyone else's. 


Toothless's face leaked black liquid, a strange fluid Astrid only saw when he had a very deep wound. The blood-like material dripped from his nose, eyes, and mouth seemingly at the demon's command. The massive bewilderbeast backed off, maybe this was the first time someone could resist it's control? Or it was intimidated by the duo's dark powers? Vikings had always known of Night Furyies as dark creatures, but Toothless had long since proved that was much more literal than everyone originally thought.

Whatever the reason for the alphas retreat, Drago wasn't having any of it, probably just not wanting to lose to somebody like Hiccup. The madman waved his staff and yelled, multiple dragons wearing armor answered him, the footsteps of his men followed closely. Toothless was quick to challenge them but the dark figure dashed forward and placed his arm in front of him, then pointed to the alpha. Toothless paused and flew into the air, giving the alpha a deafening piece of his mind. 

Astrid readied her ax in a vain attempt to join the fight, more black liquid and smoke came from beneath the thing's mantle, its tendrils reforming into a foreign and ornate suit of armor and several black shadows came to life from the ground around it. All but the summoner moved forward to the dragons, setting free orbs of shadow that exploded in the enslaved dragons faces far before even she and Stoick could think about getting in that monster's way. 


On the Wanderer's command the shades vanished, the sound of their teleportation doing nothing to cover the noise of the alpha and Toothless's fight. Bewilderbeast ice and Night Fury blasts echoed while the god slayer turned back to this pathetic excuse for a mortal who barked orders at his men. Some small part of the ghost wished for the madman to put up some kind of fight, or drop something valuable upon death, perhaps even a relic for Lemm? 

Unfortunately humans would be the last prey to put up a decent fight, no matter how intimidating they tried to be while charging for him with their spears and swords, but at least there weren't any annoying shields. A single strike of their pure nail split the spear heads and cut the sword blades of all the men, even Drago himself, who tried to beat him with the blunt stick that used to be his bullhook. The Wanderer jumped in the air, shadow dashed over his small collective of soldiers, and slammed the ground with descending dark.


Drago briefly looked around for where his soon-to-be victim went, the question of where it vanished to was quickly answered by the sound of cutting through air. The demon with a sword that could cut through anything froze in air, Drago pulled up his Night Fury-scale cape just in time for a wave of shadow to send him to the ground, a quick second later and he was back on his feet to assess the damage. 

The warriors behind him were now burning with a black fire, a crater bellowing black smoke was all that remained of where he was standing. Drago glanced at his metal arm, small black embers and vapor had appeared in spots along the prosthetic, holes that matched with the burns appeared through his cape. The other side of said cape was entirely engulfed by black flames, it was falling apart at the seams anyway, so he cast it aside.

The devil walked unharmed from the crater, far to confident and calm to be human. Again Drago was pulled from the situation at hand, this time by an explosion that echoed through out the island. He turned to see the tusk of his enslaved alpha falling to the ground, his yells at the dragon to keep fighting were met with the bewilderbeast sinking into the sea. The green-eyed Night Fury returned to the area with a flaring blue spine, both it and the demon stepped closer. If the dragon could defeat the alpha, and the shadow man could incinerate his entire guard force, he had no chance. All that was left was to go down fighting.


The madman struck again with his stick, one side step and vertical slash later severed the dragon slavers good arm, staining the snow red as the anxious Night Fury charged a plasma blast. Another strike amputated the humans left leg, while on the ground the Wanderer looked to the Night Fury alpha and gave a nod. The shot sent shards of bone and brain across the snow.

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