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"*nudge nudge*"

"...mmmph...go away hook...wanna...sleep..."

"...come on..."


"...wake up toothless.."

"...i don't...wanna..."

"it's time to get up."

"...i'm tired...and...hurt..."

"You've been sleeping for three days!"

"OW Ow ow...migraine...please stop...or keep it down...and no bright lights..."

"oh, sorry, either way i'm getting apidae."


A few moments later Apidae made a batch of special honey for him. Toothless currently had a silver: back, tail, tail fins, antennae, sides of limbs, tops and edges of wings, neck, head, sides, and sides of his lower jaw as a result of the fight with the traitor lord. Though they were slowly fading the powerful long-term medicines Apidae made to speed up the process, like the purple honey for the recently developed migraine, often left him even drowsier than normal. As effective and side effect free as the light green honey was, it only helped against lesser and more recent wounds while the long term honey could heal almost anything with varying impacts.

Toothless slowly dragged himself to Hiccups smithy where he chatted with Astrid while Platinum replaced Toothless in manning the magic forge, but didn't quite get there without the bee's and Light Fury's help. Despite trying his best to stay awake with Platinum, the Wanderer's chin scratches quickly put him to rest. In the time it would take for Toothless's scarring to disappear Hallownest's conflicts settled down. The Exiles were forgiven and allowed to keep 'training' Night Furies as long as the dragons still wanted to be put under. Berk originally tried to convince dragons not to agree, but many of them had been abused or exploited by humans and cared little for other dragons that often did the same. Berk soon stopped these efforts in exchange for the Exiles to stop advertising 'lifeblood treatment' in Berk and Dirtmouth, which drew in more dragons to the Exiles than the Berkians could ever turn away. Fortunately it was more of the Exiles retaliating out of spite against Berk's efforts rather than a real attempt to get more converts, they aren't THAT big of dicks to people.

The many dead warriors were given proper send offs and the Exiles agreed to return the land taken from the hive in exchange for some shipments of honey for their rebuilding (and soon to be growing) village. Hiccup managed to admit his lack of interest in becoming heir to his mother and father, failing to make the situation less awkward, Stoick said he'd wanted to consider Astrid for the role in secret. Much to Spitelout's dismay, nobody objected to the decision despite the Jorgensons being next in line, not even Snotlout. The Pale Wanderer continued their many adventures outside of Hallownest but now left Platinum every once in a while to help care for Toothless and let him pour out some soul-shame on her. 

Despite the impact of his current condition and honey medicines, Toothless still did his best to work and stay active around Berk. Against the others' wishes he was allowed to as long as Apidae was with him and had some extra healing honey on hand. Which lead to some funny situations when one of his limbs would lock up, something he eventually turned into 'getting old' jokes despite being an immortal void being.

Toothless's many mental conditions slightly improved since coming clean about his past with the dragons and Berk. Though they regretted keeping their distance from him for a few weeks, oddly enough it was the Mantis' and Exiled tribes that defended him most from Berk's back lash. After being quite brutally reminded of what Toothless now is and what he's done for the tribes and kingdom in many bar fights and near-war conflicts, which were prevented by the alpha himself, Berk too welcomed him back with open arms and many apologies from humans and dragons alike. A series of events that greatly strengthened the bond between mantis and human in the long run. Eventually Toothless started being the one to begin conversations, even if it was only with Platinum, it lured him out of his masquerade of being 'relatively fine'.

Apidae mostly switched from making honey as directed by his books to mixing and developing his own recipes. Many attack boosting, defense buffing, damage resisting, benefit adding, and other honeys had been created from his experimentation with many strange ingredients beyond just standard plants. The rarer and more magical the better for his now famous honey and potions made from the millennia of experience by his ancestors, who's legacy he greatly embraced and showed off in his skills. Even building a small statue for the Pale King that learned from and became one with his kind, and learning to forgive the Radiance. 

The Light Fury became ever so slightly more comfortable around dragons, though humans were still limited to Astrid and maybe one other rider. She often played with her orange-eyed friend, finally given the name 'Amber', who gladly humored her and his other friends with his many shenanigans along side the twins. Astrid found it hard to hide her pride in the two growing dragons, and found it surprisingly enjoyable to babysit them with Quirrel and Apidae.

Hiccup further refined his magical weapon crafting, making his best effort to make them affordable to Berk, but few humans could afford the cost of an enchanted weapon. Mostly selling high quality weapons to travelers and the mantis's was shockingly welcome by Berk, probably because of the money it brought in. He'd started to gather renown for his element-based weaponry, though not quite as much as Zote's knightly reputation according to the same fighter who claimed his wood stick was better than anything he could craft.

Snotlout's Ice blade was regularly improved along with the other riders' weapons. His weapon along with Fishleg's geomancy hammer, Ruffnut's double sided poison spear, Tuffnut's double sided light/dark spear, Astrid's storm ax, and Hiccup's own Inferno became some of the best magic items all of Hallownest had. But the Wanderer's statements that the Colosseum of Fools was more trouble than it was worth kept them from showing their weapons off there. 

Fishlegs had cataloged the many species of Hallownest (with some help from the Wanderer for the bigger and more aggressive beasts) and created a detailed history book on the land, including Berk's arrival. The twins and the aforementioned Amber became well known by the many tribes and kingdoms of Hallownest for their pranks and jokes. Astrid was rewarded several titles by Berk, the mantis tribe, and Exiles alike. In her free time she'd often go see Vespa and take some notes on being leader of a land, but always made sure there was time for Stormfly and Hiccup and Apidae.


Somewhere in the depths, a trident wielding being watches the ships above closely. Ants and humans stand no chance against the sudden and relentless torrents of rain, hail, and massive whirlpools. Left completely helpless to defend their caught dragons from the scion of the deep.

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