New Berk

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Only three months had passed since Drago was killed. Nobody on Berk was sure what to think about the Pale Wanderer. Even Drago and Stoick were dwarfed by the over 7'8"... Thing.  When it wrote it's story in the ground, everyone laughed at the notion it killed a goddess, but that ended when Toothless and Platinum were able to confirm the tale.

The months were non-stop fights and raids from massive armies. The power vacuum caused by Drago getting splattered across the ground meant everyone was targeting everyone, trying in vain to compete with Berks dragons. But even Berk could only hold it's ground for so long, dragons and vikings were dying at each others side in battle, even if a dragon rider could kill many attackers before they went down.

Astrid for one reveled in the wars. Becoming the only one who killed more then Stoick was a feat unlike any other, and the Wanderer was perfectly fine with hiding their nightly practice sessions from Berk so she'd get her glory to herself. She gazed out beyond Berk, watching for any attacking ships as she patrolled the coast. But rather, she caught a glimpse of five Night Furyies flying in a V formation.


Berk always responded immediately when the Wanderer returned from another adventure; Platinum went straight to talking with Toothless about what they did, children would pester them to write them the story about the same events, and whatever dragons came back would be given meals and safety. Less and less dragons were brought to Berk each expedition, the Wanderer never even gave a heads up when it left, Berk would just wake up to find them and Platinum gone (much to Toothless's dismay).

This was the least amount of dragons brought back yet, but the quality of dragon couldn't be competed with. When they landed on the beach, the town greeted the Wanderer, as was normal. Platinum's right was guarded by a large, yellow-eyed Night Fury, its body covered in silver scars from dragons and hunter alike proved it a veteran. Further right an orange-eyed shadow stared into the crowd with the exact opposite demeanor, the moment the short-wing tried to go play with the humans and dragons of the same age the veteran nipped his tail, which the dragon immediately ignored and went right into the crowd of people and food and playmates.

To the left landed a dark blue eyed dragoness, standing firm and low with suspicion of her surroundings but cracked when offered the first substantial meal she'd had in months. Finally, a pink-eyed dragoness curiously darted her eyes about the island and dragons, eventually being drawn into a conversation with Meatlug. 

"You two actually found more! Me and Hiccup have searched for years and never found a single Night Fury and here you and the Wanderer come with four!"

"You know by now I never disappoint you alpha."

"You know by now I don't like being referred to as alpha. I just want to be known as the same old Toothless as before the Drago situation."

"That was just my mandatory 'fuck with you' moment of the day. But honestly, YOU FUCKED UP A BEWILDERBEAST! You try too hard to be normal, let yourself feel special every week or two at the very least. Even though you ask not to be known as 'alpha' and want to be treated normally you still be proud of that"

"... You can never just leave me to sulk or be alone or complain can you?"


"Thank you."


"We need to leave Berk"

Gasps and panicked dragons echoed through the great hall. Everyone in there but the new Night Furies had been there their whole life, and even those four were shocked about it. Arguments and criticisms against Stoick's decision rang out, Berk was split into 'move' or 'stay' by just five words.


"Thank you Astrid. As I was saying: Berk cannot keep up with this fighting. Even with the Outcasts, Berserkers, Defenders of the Wing, Wing Maidens, and dragons we will be overrun. Astrid has spoken with the Wanderer, go ahead."

"The Wanderer has informed me they're the king of a far away land called Hallownest, the kingdom is recovering from a catastrophe but has more than enough room and good will for us to settle. He's also warned me of dreadful creatures that live there, but his family and allies are helping fight them, Hallownest is our only chance to escape."

Fishlegs stood and asked "What kind of monsters?"

The Wanderer was passed a sandbox by Gothi and began scribbling, soon an image of one of the mutant exiles took shape, a human and Night Fury next to it for size comparison.

"How are we supposed to compete with those things?!"

"We already face impossible odds! We have a chance and we need to take it!"

"I'd rather wait for the Romans to come for me before trying to cut up that devil!"

"You won't be lone, a dragon rider can face one in a fair fight, not to mention the mantis tribe and hive helping you stand your ground." wrote the Wanderer. 

"Those are just a few of many factions operating with and against my home land. You have an opportunity to escape, or guarantee your death. Should you choose the latter, me and the Night Furys will be taking our leave before you tear yourselves apart. But know that my people care about dragons as well, I've heard of one who freed many dragons from an arena recently"

At that, any and all arguments were shut down. Many dragons on Berk had been rescued from arena brawls. If someone from Hallownest was willing to risk their life for any dragons freedom, the distant kingdom was Berks best chance.

Berk itself was surprisingly easy to pack, each family only had a few things considered valuable enough to take to Hallownest, but eventually even whole boats were being filled with how many vikings and dragons were making the journey. Hiccup was unable to fly Toothless, he'd taken a sword to the side on a fight, but he was still able to design balloons able to help dragons carry the boats and towers to Hallownest.

Seeing Hiccup's invention somehow working despite the many laws of physics that were probably screaming in agony right now got a chuckle from Platinum, who turned to her old friend.

"Your sister's going to kill you for this."

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