God of gods

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The Exiles were forced back into the gardens as Astrid rallied the dragons in an aerial push, their numbers forcing the lifeblood Night Furies to retreat from her and Toothless while Hornet and Quirrel easily zipped across the fight as if they were riding dragons themselves. The duo's small size and shocking airborne mobility comparable to that of the Night Furies themselves sent many of the Exiles air force to the bushes and thorns below with severed wings courtesy of the pure weapons they held.

"I need to get one of those."

Astrid jokingly told Toothless, who happily purred in turn, before both refocused on the situation at hand. Air superiority was being challenged by the reinforcing lifebloods coming from the ground force, the attacking side of which was also not going well after what sounded like distant earthquakes seemed to refuel the Exiles relentless attacks so quickly even Toothless and Platinum had no time to question what were the quakes or why they rallied the Exiles so much, though the Wanderer remained all but surprised or curious. 

Toothless suddenly flipped upside down, almost throwing Astrid off, and was given a deep cut by a riderless dragon. Upon flipping back over, Astrid turned her neon blue ax to the void black version and shot a blast of abyssal energy from her palm at the dragon, one of a couple things the Wanderer showed her how to do pre-battle. Pitch black scales turned shining cyan as the beam connected and threw the dragon off balance then into a wall, but it quickly recovered and gave chase. Stormfly being Astrid's one and only true dragon, kept a close eye on her while shooting at insane Night Furies, and quickly changed course to launch some spines into the pursuer. Lifeblood spilled as the sharp and venomous daggers tore apart its side and wing membrane and sent it spiraling to the ground until it regenerated, which wouldn't be long seeing how fast they could regrow their lower jaw as Toothless demonstrated. 

Apidae excitedly high-fived Astrid while on the back of the yellow-eyed nightfury veteran. But they quickly found they were now outnumbered three-too-one as the other dragons felt the lifeblood Night Fury's pressure and began to waver from the conflict in the air, falling back to regroup. The fifteen crazed attackers, only four of which had riders, took turns swooping into the three dragons and two riders hastily dodging and attempting to retreat. The bee and Valkyrie blocked many claws and scythes and blades before a pink explosion sent a dragon and its now one-winged rider plummeting.

"I would've thought you'd go for the blue-eyed one!"

"I tried but she didn't want a rider, and the pink one was so hopeful!"

Hiccup retorted as he folded his wing-suit to dodge another swooping attack and land on his temporary dragon. Deciding not to ask if Stoick and Valka knew where he was, Astrid let Hiccup incapacitate dragons rather than kill. Darts filled with a powerful void and soul enhanced sedative were shot from a foreign crossbow the Wanderer had probably given him when he arrived, not enough to take down any of the disturbed Night Furies alone, but able to daze them long enough for another one or two to finally bring them down.

Slowly, Heather with Windshear and Dagur with Sleuther moved to help fight off the remaining beasts in time for Alvin and the Screaming Death to miss the fun. His disappointment was quickly cast aside as one of the dirt and stone walls that stretched the back lines became an avalanche when a hideously deformed Exile nearly the size of the Red Death or Bewilderbeast made its grand entrance. The Exiles counter-push was now supported by their own valor and the Vikings fear, but mantis's knew no fear of a foe (obviously Toothless didn't count because he was clearly ancient Pale king's real son as far as they were concerned) and the bee's never had a use for fear when they needed to guard the hive.


That steadfast defense, as admirable as it was, started to falter without the humans holding the flanks. Toothless let out a large plasma blast into the enemies backs to relieve the dying warriors as Astrid and the others discussed how to approach what was clearly the Exiled king. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Platinum reluctantly obeying her masters demand to get in close, A pounce and creation of a shroud of smoke later and the Wanderer became a meteor raining down on the creatures giant shield-like mass of Gronkle iron cancer. Platinum happily obeyed the next order and got the hell away from her masters conflict with their old enemy.


Astrid's voice rang louder than Stoick's snoring as she rallied the fleeing humans back to the fight. The distance they ran previously meant the returning charge greatly forced back the Exiles as they reunited with the Mantis and Hive armies, who made their own comeback and cut down many of the defenders straggling behind the other armies tactical retreat. 


After using their wings to glide the Wanderer now stood on a small platform of soil and grass before their enemy, the fourth lord who had once killed their close friend returned the stare of respect for the god of void. Both armies fought and stared as the two gave each other a bow and the lord attacked, revealing his two largest scythes he made a scissor motion and destroyed the platform the new king stood on. The Wanderer, incredibly enjoying the biggest challenge they'd faced since the infectious light, jumped and shadow dash slashed over their fellow kings shield-like limb-mass and struck the large cracked face. 

Not ready to fall down yet, a cyclone slash blew the Wanderer upward while repeatedly striking across the lords head, then twirling horizontally in the air to bring a godly great slash down on the split in the lords skull. The Exiled lords stagger brought his shield close enough for the Wanderer to stand on and send an eldritch blast of the void's purest hate into the head again while the riders, Alvin, Dagur, Heather, and Berk's other Night Furies shot at the many blisters and tumors with hopes to get to the lords insides and recreate the circumstances of the Red Deaths defeat.

Apparently partially filled with lifeblood, the growths rained bright blue fire like monstrous nightmare gel on the ground below and the lords own body, only making him writhe slightly in barely mild discomfort. The lord looked down and used his two large arms to try and smack away the riders, most being agile enough to swoop between the gaps in the flesh and bone, but Fishlegs and Meatlug were sent tumbling. At the very least her Gronkle resilience protected her rider, but Meatlug and Fish wouldn't be getting up to rejoin or see the Wanderer leap to the lords head and start stabbing it repeatedly.

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