High hopes

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The series of islands beyond proved much more appealing then the wasteland outside Hallownest. Pillars of green and brown climbed ever closer to the lifeblood sky while the bee cautiously moved ever closer to the roars and screams coming from a dome-shaped fort. It was atop a hill and made from a mix of stone and iron, many chains and metal pillars formed the dome, looking similar to prison bars.

Whatever the fort's purpose was, it scared the 3 green lizards who'd been following him ever since he made and fed them honey. But eventually they refused to get closer, the little bee continued after motioning them to stay put. Investigating further showed small chips of emerald chitin and blood stains, swords and spears and shields eventually began darting the ground with them. Different roars started echoing from the depths of the fort, almost stopping him from hearing the rustling in the bushes to his right.

The bee dashed behind a tree before a mantis with four scythe arms and wings scuttled to the fort, each arm displayed the greatly bloodied blade while the transparent wings buzzed and the mantis took off into the fort. It ducked through the chain dome and out of sight, the bee went against his better judgement and followed.

Crawling close to the edge of the dome cage, the bee gazed at the fight ensuing between just 5 mantis's and many humans. Like the Exiles back home, each mantis looked and fought different. But the humans were like copies of each other, when a mantis found out how to kill one human, they learned to kill any human. The aforementioned humans stood no chance against warriors so much naturally stronger than them, much less when each one had a different fighting style.

The quiet yelps of the bee's friends could be heard from within the halls of the fort, or at least the same species as them. Making use of the battle as a distraction, the bee zipped through the halls to rooms full of cages, was spotted by a guard, and drew his knife-like nail. The human guard brought his sword down on the bee, a side step and spin sent the towering fighter limping into the side of a cage with a gashed leg. A white flash pinned her captor to the cage wall.

Struggling to get free, the man stabbed his sword behind him. White blood streaked across his blade and back while the small Light Fury retreated into her cage with her gaping shoulder wound. The human sword clattered to the ground when the curved nail crossed the mans throat.


Screeches and cries from the dome grew closer as the merciful bee frantically opened each and every cage, some of the dragons even helped after learning to open the doors by watching him. A colorful storm erupted from the fort when the door outside opened. The dragons swooped and bit at the hunters on the docks. Seconds later the mantis warriors would probably have been in there killing or capturing each of the reptiles.

Looking to his side, the bee saw the same short-wing Light Fury failing to escape with the other escapees. The shoulder wound meant she couldn't fly long at all. In her panic she didn't notice the little bee walk up and start smearing honey on her cut, looking over she saw her rescuers small wings buzz and shine gold while the pain slowly vanished.


The area was still sticky, but that changed when a trio of terrible terrors licked up what was left of the medicinal treat. The vessels wings buzzed and the Light Fury took off. She was quickly sent back to the ground by a bola to her tail. She easily ripped it off but her attempt to fly again was interrupted by a shield bash that would certainly leave a bruise later, an animal taller and more intimidating than any human could ever be placed a clawed foot on her neck.

The young dragon could only gaze in horror at the demon cutting off her breathing. Its two right arms held a sword and spear while its left scythe arm carried a shield. The animals attention was drawn to the right for only a second when its four-scythed companion downed a titan-wing monstrous nightmare, but that was more than enough for the little yellow hero to skewer its neck.

The start of the mantis's stumble was marked by the Light Fury gasping. It span around to slice the attacker with its shield bearing scythe arm, finding instead that the bee was riding the back of the warriors neck with his nail. Spinning the spear forced the bee to retreat from the fight, quickly landing next to the Light Fury with a challenging stance.

The small dragon began charging a blast the moment she could breath again and was more than ready to shoot it by the time her new ally came to her side. Somehow standing after being stabbed in the neck, the mantis held up his shield. Forced back by the explosive orb, the shield cracked but held together while the mantis was sent into the ground multiple yards away. Due to the small Light Fury being starved and dehydrated by the arena keepers, one shot was all she had left before her light faded. 

The four-scythed mantis landed where the shield bearer once was, immediately the terrors and bee started buzzing and growling in a futilely adorable attempt to intimidate it while the exhausted little dragon struggled to stay on her feet. Using its lower arms as sharp legs it encroached on the five when a Snaffle Fang exhaled fire onto the insectoid raider. 

Rising to its normal feet, the mantle it wore burned away to show a mantis phased only by blackened chitinous armor. Right after voicing displeasure with a roar, the mantis instead charged at the large dragon, both fighters unfurled their wings and took off. The dragon had size and weight on its side but the mantis was disproportionately strong for his size. The monster easily used its arms and legs to prop the dragons mouth open so it could strike at its tongue.

On the ground, the bee quickly shoved honey into the Light Fury's mouth and focused. The energized dragon sent another plasma burst into the four-scythed mantis's wings, since they were clearly much more fragile then that of a dragon's. Upon being sent to the ground the mantis recovered and ran at them only to be left in the dust.


Many dragons learned what honey was that day. Terrors and a vessel ran back and forth between dragons and flowers, using honey to heal wounded. By the end of the day only four reptiles remained, the tired out Light Fury curled up and rested with her new friend. After a day of running, getting water, and making food for the small dragon meant she was here to stay now.

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