The eternal kingdom

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Toothless dived into the Night Fury's side, span around, and grabbed it by the jaw. Pretty soon he was on top of the unhinged dragon with his thumb-claw poking through the bottom of it's mouth, which gave him a twisted idea. Faster and faster the blue light in it's chest and wings pulsed as Toothless completely ripped off the lower jaw and part of the tongue, the sickening sound of tearing flesh resounding through the cliffs Toothless believed he'd never see again.

His luminescent purple blood and gooey void spilled across the crazed dragons gut as it clawed at Toothless's chest and forced him away, mouth spilling void liquid and smoke already regenerating the jaw. The tongue dangled and spilled darkness the same way, slowly mending the strands of muscle and growing back what was severed prior to the savage and Toothless getting back to their feet.

The dragon leaped to Toothless, using it's wings to charge faster. That would be the traitors downfall as Toothless crouched and collided his shoulder with the bottom of its rib cage, the mad-dragons own speed doing most of the damage and making it vomit a large amount of void and lifeblood. Hind-legs planted firmly in the ash, the alpha flapped his wings to launch Hiccups attacker into the earth again.

Lets see why your body keeps glowing.

He thought as he clawed at the dragons chest like he would often do too dig a hole to hide Hiccups leg in. Grabbing and ripping out its sternum to stab through it's left eye, void, skull, and pin it to the ground. With the dragon's jaw almost completely fixed, Toothless finished tearing apart the rib cage to find three pulsing lifeblood cocoons growing inside. 

One cocoon didn't shine as bright as the others, but then flared as it pumped blue fire to the dragons throat like a fuel for the plasma shot that would follow. Void tendrils and mouths wrapped around and chomped on Toothless, the tiny dragon maws turning his scales silver around where they bit while glowing purple streaks channeled down to the slave from it's alpha. 

Thinking fast, Toothless pulled out the flaming cocoon. Bright blue fire erupted from the top as he yanked it out, the energy ignited the void liquid into a black fire that quickly seared Toothless's underside, turning even more scales into the silver of a scarred Night Fury. A completely regenerated jaw formed just in time for Toothless to force it open and shove the burning cocoon into the dragons neck, some tendrils and draconic teeth withdrew as blue flames flowed back into the torso.

More void fire swelled and crawled up Toothless's chest just before he threw himself back with his wings, pulling against and biting at the tendrils and leeches to escape from the void and lifeblood fire. The other two cocoons within the inferno were finally burning away as Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Valka, Stoick, the Bee, and the Pale Wanderer arrived on their respective dragons.


Platinum tried to rush to Toothless's aid but was enveloped in a translucent, shimmering, pink-purple barrier with the others. The first cocoon detonated, blowing away the lifeblood Night Fury's head, and triggered the other two to do the same. Void and lifeblood flames and smoke consumed Toothless entirely as the riders and dragons stood helpless, when the magical fortress evaporated a wave of thunder and force suffocated the fires enough for the exploded remains of a dragon and completely silver Night Fury to be seen motionless on the ground.

Hiccup, Platinum, the little bee, and a blue stranger rushed to Toothless's side the second a clear path formed past the smoldering corpse. The shining alpha's breathing was so slow and shallow it was impossible for Hiccup to even feel the air passing in and out of his friend, there was no such thing as a heart (or any organs) for a Night Fury, and with that no real means for CPR or to find a pulse. The blue stranger knew void creatures and this situation all to well, however.

"Do any of you have any healing spells?"

Before he even finished his sentence, the bee had begun buzzing his wings together. Glowing honey pouring from his eyes and golden light from his wings both shone brighter and brighter as the wings vibrated louder and louder. The light and honey flowed through the air and onto Toothless, returning him to his dark color with every ray and drop. Shortly the only silver remaining was a sliver around his tail fin.




" E v e r y t h i n g   h u r t s . . . "

"Let him recover for a second, he's still in pain."

"How can you tell?"

"I speak draconic."


The stranger introduced himself as Quirrel after taking a silver object off his head. The item he now held as a shield was a curved oval with two eye holes in the front end, a pale white design Astrid remembered the Wanderer referring to as a 'seal of binding' decorated the customized mask. A royal blue mantle draped over Quirrel's right arm, though it didn't part in the middle like that of the bee's and Wanderer's, the jellyfish shaped ornament that should've marked the center of the mantle instead clipped onto a shoulder pad

The armor piece was a similar pure white to the seal on the shield, but was made entirely of polygonal shapes, unlike anything Astrid had ever seen. The man had no left limb, instead two pillars with the same polygonal white look and countless runes carved into each flat surface, along with many more floating shards floating stationary around them, took the vague form of an arm. A small circle and eight smaller pillars of the same look made the shape of a four-fingered hand. 

After Astrid decided it might be better not to pester him about it, the final glowing Night Fury Toothless threw into a ship earlier landed ready to strike. Before anyone could even draw their weapons, Quirrel outstretched his white arm. Some of the runes shone the same pink-purple as the barrier that shielded them as the Night Fury hesitated in it's attack and began twitching more than what they'd assumed to be normal for the hysterical animals . The dragon backed away and layed down on the forgotten graveyard, demented eyes staring at nothing as the twitching subsided.

"Just a dominate monster spell buffed with psionics, those poor souls had their free will shattered long ago, their tortured minds can only comprehend bending to those around them." Quirrel stated with a somber tone before shifting to face the stunned riders and less-than impressed Wanderer and Hornet, who've clearly seen this many times before.

"Welcome to Hallownest."

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