•Chapter 29 - His experiment•

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The smell... it was unbearable... however looking upon Anti and Darkiplier, I could care less...

I carefully made my way towards the pair...

I tried to look into Anti's closed eyes only - as I knew if I were to glance upon the infectious wounds, I would gag and go back to where I started, not to mention that I would be stuck in a repetitive cycle of coming towards and running away.

"Anti..." I whispered.

My trembling palms caressed his jaw...

"Please... wake up..." I whispered once again.

I shook him very carefully - afraid to hurt him in any other way.

My eyes lit up seeing Anti slightly move on his own...

Thank you...

His eyes struggled to open - but seeing his ocean green eyes open was like a blessing.

I sadly smiled... however he was confused of his surroundings... his wondering eyes looked around all the blood that surrounded us both....

But finally, his tired eyes moved upon me....

His eyes widened...

My smile dropped as his expression was a sort of a panic.

He started to violently shake his head.

"What's wr-" I started but his unharmed arm suddenly grabbed my wrist and I felt him push me away from him.

I fell backwards with a thud....

My palms held me up from falling completely- while my eyes stared at him with confusion, and clear offence.

"What the fuck, Anti-" I started but stopped when he placed his index finger diagonally over his sown lips.

His expression was serious while literally showing me to shut the fuck up.

I calmed down and sighed...

Perhaps I was more calm than him - but it wouldn't be fair on him if I didn't listen to this panicking - and rude - demon.

His shaking arm started to shoo me away with a finger pointing behind the door.

I looked back at the directed space... but I refused to do as he implied by looking back at him with a raised brow.

"I'm not hiding - we have to go now." my whispers yelled at him.

But then I heard it...

The sinister steps right outside the door.

Proceeding to approach.

I lost all my pride and ego and waits.
I didn't care about my claim towards Anti.
As fast as my legs could take me - I ran behind that door - because in this case, my life did depend on it.

As soon as my last inch of being disappeared behind that door, the footsteps began inside the room...

Slow and haunting.

The room grew cold....

I could only see Anti and Dark - the imprisoned pair...

I saw how Anti's eyes stared at the ground, where the supposed invaders boots were....

The fact that Anti refused to look up into the eyes of the invader was enough to let me know that it was... him.

Silence fell upon the room.

A̗ͦͮṊ̘̱͖͑ͦT̶͚̝͢҉̨I͎̞͉͌̚͝҉̡ ̞̱̖̱̦̐̌̈̓ͯ Waiting For You (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now