Nct Dream as stupid things I've done

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Part 3 (I think) of idols as things in my life

The dreamies as stupid things I've done

Accidentally close my finger in a drawer while putting away the laundry.

Touch the end of a lighter immediately after using it to see if it was still hot

Standing really close to a mirror which happened to be attatched to a door while putting on lip gloss, only to have someone open the door, causing my hand to push the lip gloss wand down my throat.

Trying to demonstrate my athletic ability to preschoolers by jumping over a hoola hoop. Instead, tripping on it and slamming my knee directly into the floor. Was limping for the rest of the day and in extreme pain.

Falling down the Lord and Taylor escalator

Running in shoes that did not have proper traction, causing me to fall in the middle of a hallway and be unable to get up for several minutes, while dragging my body on the floor to move out the way so no one would see.

And featuring special guest:

Mark Lee
Slip on black ice while trying to walk up my driveway after playing in the snow

Summary, I fall a lot. Trust me, there are interesting stories behind these 😂

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