Chapter 10

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Edited: 8/02/2020

Tris POV: 

I start hearing a voice. It's telling someone it's going to be okay. That I will wake up. Why can't I just open my eyes. I place the voice as the Stiff's who is trying to calm down my brothers. I want to open my eyes and tell them that I am okay. But I am so tired and I fall asleep. Or I don't know because I was never able to open my eyes. I start hearing again when I wake up. I feel someone holding my hand. There's no one talking so I assume that there's only one person here. 

"I am so sorry. I should have done more. I wish I knew how I felt, but I guess it is to late anyways." Then they let go and leave. Who was that? Everything feels fuzzy and disconnected I can't even think about what they said before I go back to what I think is sleep.

I still am not awake and it's been a couple days. People have come and gone. One day I hear my mom talking to a nurse. "She still hasn't woken. Her coma isn't getting any better. It might be time to let her go." 

I hear crying. "Not yet I need to get her friends and family to say goodbye." My mom says while sobbing. She leaves to go get everyone.

No they are going to take me off life support. I can't die. I never got to be Dauntless. How did I even get in a coma from a knife hitting me in the stomach or I think so because everything feels numb. I am going to wake up and find out. I try very hard to open my eyes. Nothing happens. I need to wake up please. I want to cry, I want to be with Uriah and Zeke and my mom.

I hear Uriah and Zeke come in. They both start crying. I feel them hug me. They ask me to wake up and I want too, so desperately. Then some more people come in. Marlene, Lynn and Shauna. They all hug me and tell me goodbye. They start crying even Lynn. They all walk out including my mom and Uriah and Zeke I guess to go and talk to the nurse. Then someone else comes in. Oh no I am about to die. It isn't a nurse though it is the Stiff. He holds my hand for a minute and says goodbye too.

I realize he was the one who told me he wished he could have done more. I don't want to die and him think it is his fault.  I can't do anything now either because I can't wake up. He squeezes my hand and leaves the room. Then the nurse comes in with everyone and my mom and Uriah hold my hands. Everyone else I can't see where they are, but I know there in here because I can hear a lot of people crying. 

"I need you to sign these forms." I hear the nurse says. Some one lets go of my hand. I assume it's my mom to sign the forms. 

"Please wake up Tris." I hear Uriah cry. 

"It's gonna be okay Uriah." I hear Zeke say. I don't want to leave not yet. 

"Are you ready?" The nurse asks. 

My mom sobs "As I'll ever be." I hear her press a button. I start to feel really drowsy like I am about to fall into a never ending sleep. I hear crying and a scream which  I think was Uriah. Then I hear nothing. 

Uriah POV: 

I just lost my sister, my twin and most of all my best friend. I started screaming as soon as she presses the button. It was too late she was not longer going to live. She needed the support to live and they took it from her. They didn't think she was going to live. It had only been 2 weeks of her being on it. I wish she would just come back.

Zeke POV:

I lost my sister. The one I was supposed to protect. I failed. Now she is dead on a bed in front of me and I can't do anything to save her. I already miss her so much and I don't even know what to do with myself. She was supposed to live and she didn't. She was going to be Dauntless and she didn't make it all because of Eric. I am going to make him regret ever coming to Dauntless. 

Marlene POV: 

I lost the person who knew me better then I did. Now she's gone and I need her in my life. She was my best friend. She was like my sister. I don't know how to move on when part of me died with her. She was always the one I came to for advice. Where do I go when I need advice to get over her death. 

The Stiff POV:

I never got to find out how I felt about her. Now there is no point because when I do she won't be there for me to tell her.  I miss her already. I never got a chance to tell her and I couldn't save her even after I carried her to the infirmary and sat here for hours wanting her to just wake up. Why didn't she wake up. They shouldn't have taken her off life support. She could've made it and they took her away from me. She was also my friend. I'll never get another conversation with her and I don't know how to feel okay when I lost her and she gave me hope for a life at Dauntless. I already lost my mom. Now I lost Tris too.


PLEASE do not stop reading. I promise it is not over yet. You should keep reading it gets better and just because right now it may seem hopeless it's not over yet.

Please continue. 

-Addison :)

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