Chapter 36

387 13 15

Edited: 8/10/2020

Tris POV: 

I wake up to the voice on the day of my Fear Landscape. It says this isn't real again. I get ready and decide to just use my crutches to walk around. I can feel my nerves as I walk out of the dorms from my last night of sleeping in there. I need to make it in Dauntless and if I can I want to make it in first. I just need to get through my fear landscape. 

I'm not hungry and to nervous to sit so I keep using my crutches to get around the compound until I know it is time to get there for my landscape. I am not hungry, so I just don't eat anything for breakfast. I just need to get a higher score than Kylie. My time gettting out of them has always been fast, but every fear I have had have been horrible. I always get whatever fear I had in my dreams that night. 

Tonight I will know if I got first or not and as long as I got enough points I will be in Dauntless. 


They call us for our fear landscapes and all I can think about while the other do there's is what mine is going to be like. I wonder if this is how everyone else felt when I wasn't here and they were all doing theirs.

I get called and I got sit in the chair in the middle of the room. Four injects me with the serum and says "Be brave. I know you can do it." I close my eyes and I awaken in a feild. I hear crows and one lands on my shoulder digging it's claws into my shoulder. I cry out from the pain. I try to hit it off my shoulder but the bird doesn't budge. The crows above me start to circle above me. I bend down and feel the ground and I find a gun. I pick it up and shoot the birds above me. They start to fall and the fear changes.

I am in a tank with walls and water starts to fill it. I bang on the glass, but it does not break. I see all my friends and the people in my initation. "Let me out!" I scream. The water is now up to my knees and I need to do something. I take my jacket off and stuff it into the whole where the water is filling the tank and the tank stops filling up and the fear changes again. 

I am in the middle of the ocean and I am on a rock. A wave hits me and I start to slide of the rock. Wave after wave comes trying to pry me off of the rock. I see a hole on it and I crawl towards it hoping it will sheild me from the crazy waves. Once I get inside my fear changes and I am in David's office again. 

I shudder and I know what is coming. Everytime I have had the fear somone more that I care about is in the office. David and I have the same conversation. He brings in Christina, Four, Uriah, Zeke, Marlene, Will, Shauna and Lynn. He tells me them to shoot them all. I turn the gun towards me and ignore their pleas for me to shoot them. I pull the trigger and then I am back in the fear landscape room again. 

I breathe quickly, but keep it together because there are a bunch of people in the room. I finished and now I just have to wait for tonight to know if I made it in Dauntless. I can feel that I have and this time I will be here. I won't leave and I won't let David get to me. 

I leave the room once everyone is finished and I head to the dining hall with Four to go and meet the others. "You know you got out of that really fast. How many fears did you have?" 

I blush a little, "I had four." I say.

"Of course you did." He doesn't elaborate on what that means and I decide against asking. I still feel weird around him. We haven't said anything else about getting back together or how we feel. I want to know if we will because tonight I will be done. 

We get to the dining hall and we sit with the others. I answer how many fears I had and how long it took me to get through them and more stuff they ask. I stop paying attention to everything they are saying. I can't help, but think that I could have been done with this last year. I know I regret leaving, but I need to stick it out this time and now I am so close. I can make it.


The group hangs out together for the rest of the day and I feel happy to be with them, but when it gets to dinner and when the announcement is going to be made I feel like all I want is to get it over with. Max stands and makes a speech talking about how Dauntless is about bravery and how we need to be a united front. Then he tells us here are our scores. They appear on the screen behind him and in the first place spot it says Tris Pedrad. They put my name up there!

I got first. I can't believe it. I smile at my group and they are all telling me good job and congrats. I see Four and he says "I knew you could do it." I smile. Then he leans down and he kisses me. 

We break apart and I smile at him. "You had them put my name up there didn't you?" I ask. 

He nods. "I knew they would let you stay and you deserve the honor as Tris and not Izzy. Everything seems perfect until I hear myself say "This isn't real." I look around again.

I then hear, "She's been in there to long." It sounds like Tori's voice. 

"How long?" Another voice asks and this one sounds like Caleb.

"An hour." Tori says. I look around and Four looks at me with concern. Then everyone melts away and I sit up in my chair in the Aptitude test room with Tori and Caleb. Tori nods towards Caleb and he leaves the room.

"Wait was that real?" I ask. 

"I'm sorry Tris, but everything you saw wasn't real. Those people may be real, but what happened isn't. You know who you are right?" She asks.

As she says it I remember everything. "I am Beatrice Prior, Abnegation, daughter of Andrew and Natalie Prior and sister to Caleb Prior." I feel tears in my eyes. "Uriah and Zeke don't know me? Neither does Four, Christina, Marlene, Shauna and Lynn?" I ask.

"You may see them one day, but what you saw probably won't happen, but you need to be careful you are Divergent and most people would not have seen as far as you did. You have the aptitude for Abnegation, Erudite and Dauntless." 

I shake my head. Nothing was real and tomorrow is my real choosing ceremony. I just want to see Four.  He won't know who I am though, no one will. I am alone.


THAT IS IT!! Thank you so much for everyone who read the book. I hope you enjoyed.

Let me know in the comments if I should make a sequel or not. If you do it will continue off from right here and I will let you know what it will be called and when it will start coming out. 

Thank you again and I really hope you enjoyed it!!

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