Chapter 23

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Edited: 8/10/2020

Tris POV: 

Today is the last day of stage 1. I know that I am going to pass because I never lost a fight. I am nervous about Al though. He seems closed off and has lost every fight after he won against Will. I am still very mad at his hurting me because that is a factor in why my mom is dead. He tried to apolgize and I yelled at him to stay away from me which now I feel guilty about. I am nervous about the next stage of training because that is fear simulations and I am Divergent. 

Right now I am getting ready to go shopping with Marlene, Shauna and Lynn. We are dragging Lynn, but we are getting some clothes to wear because tonight we are going to celebrate the results of stage 1. Things between Marlene and I have been a little distant. I don't know if I am imagining it or if something really is wrong.

I hear a knock on the door. I sleep in the dorms for dauntless-borns, but I keep everything at my apartment because it's the only thing that I have that relates me to my mom because she isn't biological.  I run to the door and I see Marlene. "Hey." She says. 

"Hey where is everyone else?" I ask. 

"Shauna said to meet there because she is going to have to drag Lynn." I laugh. As we walk there I try and think of something to say. "How do you think you did?" I ask. 

She shrugs. "Probably not as good as you." She finally responds. I don't know how to respnd so I try and think of something nice to say. 

"You did really good in our fight." I say. 

She rolls her eyes. "Not good enough obviously." She states. I feel like someone punched my stomach. We get to the PIt and Marlene won't look at me. 

"Marlene? Are you mad at me?" I ask. 

"Oh my gosh Tris! I'm so tired of everthing revolving around you. For the past year you disappeared I had to find you. You are always upset I have to be there for you. You have boy trouble I need to cheer you up. Meanwhile I am always training trying to win and it's still not good enough. I don't blame your birth parents for giving you up." She says. 

I look at her. I shake my head and say "Marlene that's called being a friend and I would rather not get first place, and have a family that is nog complictaed and has a new problem everyday then have what's going on with me." Then I run. As fast as I can. I need to get away from everyone. 

I reach the Chasm. Four and Marlene know the spot. I don't want to see Marlene. I don't know if she meant what she said, but it really hurt. And Four said he needed to show me somethig, but right now I'm not ready and I hope he doesn't get mad at me for being self centered like Marlene just said I am, but I can't deal with whatever it is right now. So, I keep running until I hear someone calling my name. I turn around and it's the girl from the train. What's her name again. I haven't had a converstation with her really, but she is friends with Al.

"Yeah?" I ask. 

"Are you okay?" She asks. 

"Yeah I am good." I lie. 

"Your lying." She says. Oh yeah she is from Candor. I almost roll my eyes. 

"yeah I know." I say. 

"I heard what happened." She says. I nod. 

"So now you can go and tell everyone and let the Erudite know too because they would love that." I say. 

"I don't want to do that and besides you need someone to talk to and I am willing to listen." I don't want to talk to her, but it might be nice to make more friends. 

Dauntless Born: Tris PedradWhere stories live. Discover now