Chapter 13

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PLEASE: Do not stop reading because of what happens in this chapter I swear. It is not the end and Four and Tris may end up together. I needed to put this before it because I don't want you to give up on my story. Thanks so much!!! Just get to the end of the chapter and you'll see that.



The Stiff: 

Amar has been doing our fear simulations and I have been going through it and I keep getting the same four fears. At lunch that day I'm sitting with Zeke, Shauna, Tris, Uriah, Lauren and some of Tris and Uriah's friends. Amar walks by and stops and says "Stiff I asked and the last lowest number of fears was 7 you set the new record. Good job Stiff or should I say Four." He claps my back and walks away. Everyone at my table gaps at me. 

"You only have 4 fears?" Zeke asks. 

"So it seems." I say. 

"Wow good for you." He says. I can hear a hint of jealousy in his voice. Tris is looking at me in amazement. If only she liked me. 

"Well I guess we're calling you Four now cause you don't really seem like a Stiff anymore." Shauna says. I finally have a name. I am not just called a Stiff. It isn't as bad as my real name, but it still represents  coming from my old faction that I want to forget about.

I am starting to feel more like I belong in Dauntless. I got first in stage one and now I have the record for the lowest number of fears. Just when I'm thinking how great my life is. 

Tris says "Oh, Zeke and Uriah don't freak out, but I have a date tonight." Uriah's eyes show anger and look like he'll kill someone. 

Zeke just says "Be careful." 

She nods. "Marlene can you help me get ready." Marlene jumps up and grabs Tris's arm and pulls her out. I guess she doesn't like me, but it took her almost dying to help me find out that I like her. 

Tris POV:

I am excited for my date tonight!! I met Xander at the pit ice-cream place. He got me ice-cream in return for my number. He seems really nice. I am kinda disappointed that I can't figure out how I feel about Four I guess is his name is now. It doesn't make me want to like him when he treats me like a little sister that needs protecting. Xander though seemed good as Dauntless get, so I guess I am good with Xander. 

Marlene and I go to the Pit and we get me a dress. It's a black dress that goes to my knees. It flows nicely and is tighter in the top. It also has a criss cross neckline. I loves it. We go to my and Uriah's apartment. We go to the bathroom and she curls my hair and does two braids that got to the back and she does my makeup really nice.  

When we walk downstairs the gang is all down there and everyone's jaw drops when they see me. I know I'm pretty, but I don't really talk about it and when we were done Marlene said that I look gorgeous. I blush with all the eyes on me. "What am I the TV?" I ask. 

"No, but you look amazing." Uriah says. I smile. I look back at everyone and I notice Four is not looking at me. Okay then. 

I hear a knock on the door and the entire gang runs to the door before I know what's going on to meet Xander. "Hey, Is Tris home?" He asks. 

"Yes, I'm here." I say wedging my way through them. He looks amazed when he sees me. 

"You look beautiful." He says. 

"Thank you." I say while blushing. He takes my hand and I wave goodbye to everyone. 


The date is going good, but it just feels weird to me. I never really pictured going out with anyone after I realized I might like Four. I mean I know he doesn't like me like that, but that doesn't change how I feel or how I think I do because I really don't want to like him. I like Xander, but he isn't Four. He take me after dinner to the ice-cream place where we met. I want to tell him that I don't want to go out. I can't though I do like him and he is a good guy. 

I smile when he brings me my ice-cream. We talk about everything going on in our lives. I tell him about how I am adopted and he is nice about it and says sorry like everyone else, but he listens and understands it. After the ice-cream he takes me to the railing on the Chasm. 

"Tris?" He asks. 

"Yes." I say 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" 

I think for a split second about if I do this I need to be done with any more than friend feelings I might have for Four. "Yes." I say.

He hugs me and pulls back a little so he can see my face. He leans in and kisses me. It is different then what it was like kissing Micheal. This one feels special and like he cares about me. He walks me home and we both can't stop smiling. When we get to my apartment. I open the door and he comes in with me we are both smiling like idiots. He hugs me goodbye and waves to everyone. The gang is playing candor or dauntless. 

I walk over to them after he leaves. "How did it go?" Marlene asks after she jumps up. 

"It went Great!" I say smiling. I blush when Uriah and Zeke both glare at me. 

"He kissed you didn't he?" Uriah asks looking angry. 

"Ummm... Goodnight." I say running up the stairs I turn around to see if Uriah is following me. He isn't, but Four is looking at his feet looking a little suprised but that the same time, not suprised. I wonder if he thinks that I am a player or something because I found someone I liked already after Micheal. I mean I might even like Four, but I am pushing those feelings away because I like Xander. 

I change and take off all my makeup. I lay down and think about how Xander and me don't feel as right as I thought earlier tonight. I can't help, but think about Four. When they both are in my mind I feel sick. I guess I need to choose one of them,  but Xander is a good guy so I don't want to end it with him. ***********************************************************************************************

Hey thanks for reading. Please don't give up. It would mean a lot to me if you keep reading.

Please don't forget to comment and vote. 

-Addison.  :)

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