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"So Jack, what are you cooking today?"

"Uhhhh...what you teach me how to cook."

"What if was the food I cooked-"

"Yes! God yes!" He grins. Zach chuckles.

"Get the pasta from the pantry and I'll get the food."

"What type?"

"Anything you want." Zach says as he goes to the freezer to get the grinded meat.

He goes to the fridge part and grabs the can of tomato sauce.

"Here." Jack puts it on the counter.

"First we wash our hands." They wash them and dry their hands.

"Then what?"

"We get a knife...and let the meat breathe."

"That sounded weirdly sexual." Zach chuckles.

"You're just a dirty minded guy." He boops his nose. "Where are the pans and pots?"

"Good question." Zach looks at his with a deadpanned expression. Jack starts looking for it.

"Found them!" Jack smiles and sets them down on the counter.

"Grab the olive oil."

"Right, the olive oil." He looks for it in the pantry and returns holding the bottle. "What's next?"

"You turn on the stove and put the pan where you light it." Jack complies. Zach puts some olive oil on it.

"Now what?"

"We let the pan get hot which is not gonna take very long and then we put the meat there." Jack nods.

Zach takes out the meat in the pan and it starts making a lot of noise.

The brunette grabs a wooden spoon and hands it to Jack.

"Oh you wanna get kin-"

"Don't push it. You need to separate the block of meat." Jack starts stabbing it with the spoon.

"Done, what about now?" Zach puts the second one in the pan.

"Do it again." Jack complies.

"Now what?"

"Put a little bit of salt and let the meat cook." Jack grabs the thin salt.

"Oh no love, it's not that salt, it's the thick one. You're not seasoning a salad." Jack grabs the thick salt instead.

"How do you know so much about this?"

"My momma taught me...and I'm a quick learner. Stirr it please." Zach goes to the pantry and grabs the white wine.

"It's too early for white wine princess."

"My name's not princess and it's to season the meat."

"So we're not having a sip?"

"You have a meeting this afternoon and you're not going drunk." Zach pokes his chest. He turns around and puts a bit of wine on the meat.

"I'll be fine, I went to meetings high and no one noticed."

"Not letting you drink anyways." Zach walks back to the pantry and puts the wine back.

Jack was stirring the meat.

Zach had the urge to hug Jack from behind but he didn't want to seem desperate and clingy...should he do it?

"Cupid?" Zach shakes his head.

"Shit sorry, I was...uh...lost in thought." He grabs Jack's hand and the tomato sauce.

"You need to pour enough to make the meat gain color." Zach helps him pour it. "Keep stirring it Master Chef." He chuckles and pokes Jack's nose.

Jack smiled. He suddenly had the need to grab his face and just kiss him or simply just hold his waist and taste his lips. He was being too cute and...teasing.

"Is someone there?" Zach asks as he stirrs the pan.

Jack blinks.

"Spaced out...can I...can I hug you?" Their both caught off guard with the question.

"I guess." Jack wrapped his arms around his waist and Zach smiled softly as he stirred.

"It's starting to smell amazing."

"I'm just helping up, it's all you."

"Nuh-uh, you're basically telling me how to do it." Jack unconsciously pecks his cheek. The brunette clears his throat

"Let's get the pasta up and running okay?" Zach parts the hug with flushed cheeks. Jack curses himself.

"Sure...uh, what do we need?"

"Water in this pot, like halfways full." Jack fills it with water.

"And we turn on another one of these." Zach turns it on and puts the pot there.

"This is where it gets tricky okay? We're moving to spices." Jack nods.

"Rosemary, thyme, basil, marjoram, oregano, tarragon chervil and lovage and we stirr." Zach stirrs it.

"And now?"

"Now we taste it." He smiles and takes out a spoonful for Jack.

"It's hot, blow on it." Jack blows a bit and puts it in his mouth.

"Oh wow...this is so good." He hums.

"You cooked it." Zach smiles and opens his mouth to taste it. Jack blows on it and feeds it to him.

The brunette tastes it and hums. Jack blushes lightly.

"It's really good master chef." Zach smiles.

Jack's eyes start diverting to his lips and Zach's eyes, like this, back and forth.

The brunette admits, he was doing the same.

They both started leaning in. Jack's lips grazed his, ready to taste them, when Zach pulled away.

"The water...it's uh...it's boiling." He smiles softly and grabs the pasta package.

Jack closes his eyes and nods.

"Yeah, show me how to make pasta."


"The food's done, let's eat!"

"Nuh-uh, here comes the fun part." Zach grabs two lids and smirks.

"Yo bitches! Lunch's ready!" He slams them together.

Daniel, Corbyn and Jonah came running down the stairs.

"I heard lunch!" Corbyn smiles.

"And you heard correctly, it was made by Masterchef himself."

"Nevermind, I'm not that hungry."

"That was so mean! Sit your asses down right now!" He grabs the wooden spoon and puts his hand on his hip.

The boys sit down almost immediately.

Zach serves everyone and sits down.

"Hope you like it." He smiles softly.

The boys grab a forkful and they all share a look.

"Stop being pussies and eat."

They take a bite and their cringy expressions turn into shocked ones.

"Holy shit."

"This is delicious!" They start eating.

"He helped me, if it's good it's because of him."

"Nuh-uh, I barely helped. It was all him." He smiles at Jack.

Jack chuckles and blushes lightly. Daniel nudges Corbyn and Jonah and the three share a look.

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