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"can I take your plates?"

"Yes, thank you." The waiter takes all the plates.

"Do you want anything for dessert?"

"Can I have a slice of the chocolate lava cake?" Isla asks with a smile.

"I'll have the same."

"Jack, you already asked for an iced tea...I think that's enough sugar." He grabs Zach's thigh, catching him off guard. The brunette pecks his cheek.

"I have a surprise for you at home." He whispers.

"Fine mom. I won't have dessert. Do you want anything love?"

"I'm good, thanks babe."

They all eat dessert and Jack and Zach get lost in their own conversation, Ava and Isla laughing at some jokes they throw.

Darrin asks for the tab. Jack pulls out of his money and goes to pay but Zach grabs it and counts it. He takes half of it and hands it back to Jack before taking the same amount from his own money.

"What are you doing?"

"Paying." He hands the money to Kristin.

"You didn't have to do that."

"I did."

"No, you d-" Zach kisses him.

"Yes, I did...and no saying no to me, or I won't give you the surprise." Jack gives in.

"Fine...just because you're really cute."

"Watch your hands Mr. Avery, this is a family dinner."Zach whispers as he slides his hand down.

"Sorry baby." He pecks his head.

"Mom, can I go to the bathroom?" Isla asks.

"I'll go with you." Ava gets up. Once they were far away enough Kristin takes out her gun from her purse.

"So Frank...a professional hitman huh?"

"It's Zach. And yes. Anything wrong with it?"

"Mom, put the gun in your wallet." Jack grabs Zach's thigh again.

"I just think it's curious how a hitman has a psychology degree."

"But it's technically not ilegal."

"Well Richar-" Zach takes out his knife and sticks it on the table.

"For the seventh time, my name is Zach. I'm tired of repeating myself. I'm loosing my patience and that's not good. Mrs. Stanford, I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty." He takes the knife back and as if on cue, Ava and Isla return.

"Let's go girls."

Kristin gets up and fixes her skirt and the rest also gets up.

They walk outside.

"Get in the car, we need to talk for a second." Kristin opens their door and they get in.

"Jack...you chose well, Zach is gonna be great for you. We'll have dinner at your place next week." They nod.

"And Zach...call me Kristin."


They get in the house and Jack is quick to kiss him. The curly head made him wrap his legs around his waist.

"What's with all this?" He hums.

"My parents loved you! And the surprise?" Jack asks hesitantly. Zach starts laughing.

"Oh! That surprise! Let's go to the kitchen, shall we?" Jack carries his to the room in question.

Zach wiggles out of his hold and goes to the oven.

"Surprise!" He takes out a chocolate cake from it. "I had a feeling your mom wouldn't let you eat dessert, so when you were in the shower I baked it." Jack gasps.

"You baked a whole ass cake while I was in the shower?" The brunette cuts two slices of cake.

"Yeah. It was either this or hearing you moan my name in the shower." Jack blushes.

"You weren't supposed to hear that." He hands him a slice.

"Eat up buttercup." Zach boops his nose before Jack took a bite.

"How is this so gooood?" Jack moans delighted.

"Magic and lots of low fat ingredients, so it's not that unhealthy." Jack sets down the cake and cleans his hands.

"I really loved this surprise..." Jack grabbed his waist and turned him around." but I was thinking I could have this..." He grabs his ass."...cake." Zach blushes.

Jack leans in and connects their foreheads.

"I'm not ready for actual sex yet...let's take things slow okay?"

"Of course. I just wanted to have my dessert, but if you're not ready I can wait." Zach grazes their lips together.

"I'm sorry...I just-"

"Hey it's okay. You don't need to say you're sorry. I could wait a million years for you because you're worth every millisecond of my time, okay? We don't need sex to keep what we have flowing." Zach nods.

"What do you say if we grabbed a bowl of ice cream, the cake you made, grabbed Bandito and watched a movie?" Jack caressed his cheek.

Zach connected their lips in one of those gentle kisses they both love.

"Seems like a great plan." He smiles widely and caresses his cheek too.

Jack goes to kiss him again but Zach's phone rang loudly.


"I'm sorry for disturbing the dinner, but I think I accidentally cut my finger and Corbyn's not picking up the phone and I'm gonna pass out."

Jack runs to Corbyn's room to go get him.

"What? Calm down, say it slowly."

The males return wide eyed.

"I CAN'T DO THAT! I CUT OFF MY FINGER." Jack picks up Zach and runs to the car.

"We're on our way."  He hangs up.

Jack speeds to his house.

"How did she, the smartest person I know, cut off her finger?" Zach asks confused.

"Great question, we'll find out...now." he parks the car and they both get out.

The brunette fumbles with the keys but manages to open the door.

"Chris?" They run to the kitchen and the girl on the floor.

They both kneel down next to her.

"Christina?" He slaps her. "Lift her legs please." Jack complies.

"Christina Marie Harris, wake the fuck up." He slaps her again.


"Okay, she's not waking up, let's take her to the hospital." He picks her up.

"We'll take her to the car, try to find her finger okay?" Corbyn grabs her and walks out.

Zach looks around and sees it under the fridge.

"She's totally buying me lunch for this." He grabs the finger, a plastic bag and put some water there, not forgetting the ice to conserve the finger.

He gets in the back seat.

"How's she?" Jack rives to the hospital.

"Still passed out, found the finger?"

"Yeah, now don't be scared to use the speedometer, I'll work out the speeding tickets...and sorry for ruining our little moment there." Zach apologized.

"Our kisses can wait, Christina right now is more important." Jack speeds off.

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