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"We need to wake them up."

"But they look so cute."

"Lemme take a picture!"

The curly head stirrs awake. He looks at the door and looks at...the fools he calls his best friends.

Daniel was grinding against Jonah and quietly fake moaning the curly head's name.

Jack flips them off and closes his eyes again.

"Are you gonna keep on doing that or do I need to get my gun?" Zach asks groggily. Jack chuckles sleepily.

The friends immediately stop.

"This kid is a witch." Daniel crosses his arms.

"Oh shut up you just wanted an excuse to grind against Jo." Zach sasses back. Daniel turns red.

"He's blushing isn't he?" Jack looks up and nods. Zach chuckles against his chest.

"Whatever, Jack has a perm scheduled, so you better hurry up." The boys walk out. Jack rolls his eyes.

"Feeling better about yesterday?" Jack nods.

"Thanks for cheering me up." Jack's hand goes to caress his cheek.

The brunette blushes lightly.

"It's the least I could do." Zach chuckles.

Jack leans in to kiss him, but the brunette covered his mouth.

"Morning breath."

"Just a small peck?" Jack pouts slightly.

"C'mon, perm guy, we need to get up."

"Curls get the gay bros."

"Too bad I'm bi huh?" Zach goes to the bathroom.


"Jo! I need to talk!" Jack whisper-shouts.

"Sure what is it?"

"We kissed." Jack smiles widely.


"It felt so right Jo...and when I woke up holding him and it felt like Heaven." He sighs happily.

"Ask him on a date." Jack's eyes widened and a small blush went to his face.

"I can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"Because...what if he says no? Or laughs in my face? Or stabs me!?"

"Stop being a pussy and ask him out."

"Where should I take him out? I don't know much about him."

"Take who out?" Jack's eyes widen.

"Hey Cupid...I was just talking about someone I like with JoBear here." He chuckles nervously. Zach's face fell a bit.


"What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for...uh...Corbyn."


"I need to ask him for something...but he's not here, so I'll keep on-"

"He went out, but what did you need?"

"Oh don't worry, I'll just ask Dani really...thanks anyways." Zach walks back upstairs and let's out a sad sigh.

"I thought he liked me." He mutters.


"See!? He doesn't like me. He likes Corbyn." Jack sighs.

But Jonah didn't listen, he was busy thinking about Zach's mannerisms.

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