Jack woke up holding the brunette and he felt whole, he felt like this is where he belonged, where he felt happy.
But unfortunately, he had a meeting to attend this morning, so this little paradise had to stop.
Sometimes he just wished he could tell this gang shit to fuck off and run away with his friends and him to a private island, away from everyone, away from this small hell.
Jack looked at the brunette and took in his face.
The way he looked so peaceful sleeping, the way his soft lips were slightly parted, his cheeks were lightly flushed, leaving him to wonder if he had rosacea.
His hand unconsciously went to his cheek and caressed it.
The brunette softly opened his eyes...and my oh my, he could get lost in those honey eyes.
Zach smiled.
"Good morning stalker." He chuckles. Hearing his soft chuckles, was music to his ears.
"Morning beautiful." Zach blushes lightly.
"You need your glasses Jacky boo, I just woke up, my hair is probably a mess and ever heard on morning breath?" He yawns.
"Doesn't matter you, still manage to look amazingly cute." Jack boops his nose.
"Aren't you a charmer?" They chuckle. "What time is it?"
"Eight a.m. and I have a meeting in...forty five minutes."
"Why'd you wake me up then?" He whines.
"Because you're coming with me."
"Do I really have to?" He pouts.
"Yeah, I wanna make Kingsley jealous. He's a bitch."
"Fine, but I want breakfast in bed tomorrow."
"Deal." They shake hands.
"How's your waist?"
"Hurts a bit, but it's nothing a paracetamol won't fix." Zach untangles himself from Jack.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm not made of glass darling." Zach boops his nose and get out of bed.
"Leaving so soon?"
"Need to shower." Jack opens his mouth but closes it again. He doesn't want to ruin whatever they have.
"No can I join you princess? I'm surprised Jack."
"Didn't want to mess up with you." Zach chuckles.
"Too bad, I was gonna ask you to join me." The brunette winks at him and gets in the bathroom.
Jack laughs and lays back down.
"You drive me crazy."
Zach puts on the necklace Jack gave him and a few of his own rings.
"Ready?" The brunette nods. "Is that the necklace I gave you?"
"We gotta make him believe we're dating." Jack nods.
They walk downstairs and Zach goes to the kitchen to get lollipops. Jack bought a lifetime supply just for him.
Jack and Zach walk to his car and the curly head drives to the meeting.
"Don't let him get into his nerves Jack. You're better than him." Jack nods silently.
They get out of the car.
Jack makes a move to grab his hand, the brunette rolled his eyes and properly held his hand.The curly head looked at their hands and smiled.
The door was opened and they were greeted by Kingsley.
"Good morning Jack and damn... good morning to you too."
"Morning Kingsley, I'm sure you remember my beautiful boyfriend."Jack smirks.
"I do, but I didn't catch his name."
"Didn't throw it, c'mon we're on a schedule here." He smiles sweetly.
"Come on in, we don't want to mess up your schedule." They get in and Kingsley walks them to the meeting room.
A whole lot of people were sitting in the room but they only had two seats vacant.
"There's only two chairs and three of us."
"I'm sure you wouldn't mind sitting on your boyfriend's lap." The man says with a daring smirk plastered on his face.
"And I don't mind." Jack sits down on the chair and Zach sits on his lap gently.
"Let's get this meeting started shall we?"
"Oh we shall." Zach opens a lollipop and pops it in his mouth.
"The vipers are attacking your gang Jack, what are you doing about it?"
Zach turns to him and sends him a look that says we'll talk in the car.
"Kingsley don't worry about it, we have everything under control okay? next issue."
"It has come to our attention that someone is killing gang leaders at a very fast pace and other leaders are asking for this person's help." Zach smirks and keeps licking the lollipop. Jack holds his waist.
The brunette leans back.
"My waist is still hurting." He whispers.
"Didn't you take a paracetamol?" He nods.
"But it still hurts."
"I got you." Zach leans back against the table and Jack starts massaging it gently. The brunette smiled softly and bit back a groan.
"Well do you know who it is?" Jack asks.
"Well no-" Zach slams his hands on the table, cutting the man off.
"Then get to work and start the search!" Zach says harshly.
"I thought you were mighty gang leade- shit Jack, that's a knot." Zach clears his throat." I thought you were gang leaders." Zach maintains his harsh touch.
"Well, that's easier said than done." Kingsley answers back.
"Is it really? Well Kingsley since you're so keen on knowing who it is, let me spoil all the fun for you. I know who it is."
"Then enlighten me who is it?"
"It's a dude."
"A dude? Killing male gang leaders? Tell me another joke."
"Fine, then don't believe me. But don't come crawling up our ass when you find yourselves getting killing by him."
"And does the dudd have a name?"
"Cupid. He's a cheeky bitch that isn't afraid of killing."
"Next issue." Zach sends him a death glare.
The bitch is gonna die.

ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ʙᴏʏ|| jachary a.u.
Fanfictiony̶e̶t̶ ̶a̶n̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶j̶a̶c̶h̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶f̶a̶n̶f̶i̶c̶ *** "Master, can I tell you a secret?" He asks with a velvety tone. "Of course you can baby, you're mine now." Zach turns around and his lips graze upon his. "ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴛʀᴜsᴛ ᴀ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ ʙᴏʏ" He stabs th...