The Grey Light

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Killer was quiet as he led Cross through a thick trail. He didn't speak, but Cross could practically feel the debate the other was having inside of him. Finally, the suffocating trail opened up into a bigger clearing and Cross let out a breath of amazement, briefly forgetting the crushing emotions.

The Big Top. He stared at the enormous main tent and all the smaller tents surrounding it. The entire thing was lit up by millions of lanterns strung from tent to tent. Killer started leading him down the hill. Within the lights, monsters were talking and laughing.

But, as he got closer, he realized an eerie, depressing feeling laid over the circus. There was the overlying layer of happiness and joy. But, under that... was absent of those things.

He blinked as he felt Killer reach back and grab his shoulder, pulling him through. The other monsters were starting to notice him, murmuring. He could feel surprise and curiosity from every angle. He blinked back tears as he felt a sudden stab of horror from somewhere.

They were approaching the second biggest tent. The one with the glass wall near the top. Killer opened the flap and slipped inside. Cross followed. Inside, was a wooden staircase. It spiraled up into a second floor. Killer led him up it and they entered a circular room.

A bed was in here. King-sized. Along with a couple of couches. A skeleton stood, looking out the window. He was covered in a black, tar-looking liquid. Four tentacles waved behind him in quiet content. A whip hung on the wall. Cross didn't like it. He refocused on the monster standing.

As he turned to face them, Cross felt intimidated by him. The other fixed a glowing, bright blue eye on him. The cold, crushing feeling came from him. The other's voice was loud and rumbling, sounding like he was announcing someone. Cross looked down and shrunk beneath his gaze. "And who do we have here?"

"Someone else wants to join the circus, Nightmare." Killer said quietly, grinning calmly. Cross blinked at the hatred and rage Killer was reeking of. The monster's smile faltered when Killer called him that. Nightmare turned to Cross.

"Oh, you do?" He asked, his voice rumbling and sounding mildly surprised. Cross nodded, despite the tension. Nightmare blinked and began to circle him, studying him. Cross was itching to summon his blades and attack, but he didn't know why. Why did he feel so threatened? "And what is it you wish to do here?"

"I want to be a knife thrower." He said firmly. Nightmare blinked in what seemed to be surprise and tipped his head. He smiled and Cross felt a cold chill. The other's tentacles lashed behind him, almost seeming irritated. But Cross couldn't sense anything. Nothing but that cold, choking feeling.

"Look at that. Half the monsters that come here don't even know what they want to do..." He scanned Cross' face. "Good job..." His voice rumbled and Cross shivered a little. Nightmare's eye was scanning him and he looked down.

He jumped as one tentacle slipped out and pushed his hood back. Nightmare circled him again and Cross lowered his gaze. He knew he was scarred and bruised. "I won't ask why you came." That sent a small bit of relief through Cross.

"Killer..." He turned to the other. "Mind taking him as your apprentice for now? Teach him the ropes and how things work around here?" He passed him and whispered quietly. "Show me you won't mess up this time. ESPECIALLY not with him." Killer's calm demeanor broke and he scowled for a moment. He let out a flash of hatred and Cross shuddered.

What the hell was wrong with those two? He shifted uncertainly. He jumped as Nightmare's hand grabbed his shoulder and the other moved around him, letting go. "One thing. Killer does this wrong. Please do not call me Nightmare. Call me Ringmaster. It's much more... polite." He shot the last word at Killer, who scowled.

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