The Dangerous Jest

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"You have the nerve to lie to me? I KNOW it wasn't Asy in that fucking room!! So who the fuck was it?!" Nightmare snarled. Reaper gave him no reply and only stared at him. Nightmare's tentacles were lashing violently. Geno was trembling behind Reaper. Nightmare's tentacles were pointed. "Asy can't break down the door! I know because he's TRIED!!"

Reaper continued to give him no answer. He tipped his head. "I don't have to tell you anything." He stated. There was a large pulse of fear from Geno. It was delicious. Nightmare's tentacles flicked and he took a step forward. Immediately, Reaper's scythe was in his hand and he brandished it threateningly. "I dare you to take another step."

His voice was cold. For a moment, Nightmare almost considered doing so without a second thought. "We made a deal. You can't hurt me and you promised not to hurt him. I made sure of it. You want to try and break a deal with Death?" Reaper's eyes were glowing threateningly. Nightmare paused and their eyes met, blue to cyan. Neither one of them was backing down and the tension was crushing.

"I hate reaping SOULS before their time, but the second you break that deal, I will end your life." Reaper's voice was cold and serious. Nightmare snarled. He was about to react when something else caught his attention. A heavy feeling was seeping through the circus. One of fear and shame. It was so potent. But it wasn't Killer's, like he was used to.

"I'll deal with you later." Nightmare snarled, whipping away and stalking towards the entrance. His tentacles lashed as he heard Reaper mutter under his breath.

"Sure you will." The other hissed. Nightmare wanted to deconstruct him into little particles. He twitched and pushed his way out of the Medical Tent. He began to stalk across the circus, not minding the bitter cold that pushed past him. His breath came out in that billowing cloud. He had to find where those feelings were coming from. Find it. Exploit it. He stopped. It was coming from the New Tent??

His anger was immediately becoming replaced with concern and he sped up, his eyes wide. Cross?? Cross was the one letting off the feelings?? Was he okay??? He entered the New Tent and quickly climbed up the stairs. He entered into the second floor to see Cross curled up in a ball on the floor next to his bunk bed. He was shaking.

"Cross??" He saw the other flinch as he spoke his name and Nightmare was slightly hurt for a moment, though he somewhat understood. "Cross, are you alright??" He came over and knelt next to him, his tentacles reaching out to him. "Is someone in the circus affecting you??" He reached out and rubbed Cross' shoulder.

The other slowly seemed to uncurl and looked up at him fearfully. Nightmare was taken back and his tentacles drooped a little. "You're scared of me?" He understood why Cross would be, but at the same time, he'd already proven that he would never hurt HIM. Right? "Why are you afraid of me?? I would never hurt you."

Cross stared at him a moment longer before he hiccuped and broke down, crying, much to Nightmare's dismay. "Wh-What if I did something that y-y-you would definitely hate me for?? What then??" Cross was sobbing uncontrollably. He held his head, digging the points of his bony fingers into his skull. He began to drag them down and Nightmare stared in blatant shock before his hands flew out and grabbed Cross' wrists.

Cross was inconsolable. No matter what Nightmare tried to assure him, Cross shook his head, continuing to cry. Finally, Nightmare's grip tightened on Cross' wrists and he slammed the other back against the bed. "Cross, for fuck's sake, just tell me what's wrong!! Why are you acting like this all of a sudden??"

He had the other pinned and he tried to scan Cross' eyes for any kind of answer. The other stared at him in what seemed to be shock, trembling. "Did you do something you think I would hate you for??" He stared at Cross expectedly. Cross' eyes teared up. Nightmare was momentarily taken back. "You really think what you did was that bad??"

Cross sniffed and gave a teary nod. Nightmare couldn't even fathom what it could possibly be. He had a thought and looked down. Nightmare's grip loosened and and he slid his hands down Cross' arms, resting them against his shoulders. He sighed and leaned forward, pressing his forehead against Cross'. "Be honest. Do you think I'm better off not knowing?"

Cross seemed taken back before he looked down. "I... I don't want you to know, b-b-but I know you'll find out eventually... I don't want to be the one to tell you..." He whimpered out. "I'm sorry..." Nightmare stared at him before sighing.

"You don't need to tell me then. I'll trust you." He said. He felt a pang of pain from Cross. He looked up. Cross was shaking.

"I-I don't deserve your trust... I-I..." He inhaled shakily, seeming to be trying to keep ahold of himself once again. Nightmare quickly rubbed his shoulders. Cross unconsciously leaned into his touch. Nightmare's thumbs rubbed in circles. He kept his forehead pressed against Cross'.

"Cross... please look at me." Nightmare stated quietly. The other shook his head, gritting his teeth. Nightmare gently nudged his cheek with his teeth. Cross blinked and turned to look at him, more purple tears running down his face. Nightmare's tentacles were curled on either side of them, almost protectively.

"I want you to understand that I care for you, and you alone. Okay?" He said quietly. "I don't care what you did. Even if it was something I would hate, I would never be angry with you. I promise. I will promise you that and you're hearing it from me." He breathed out. Cross nodded.

Nightmare gave his shoulders another gentle squeeze. "I know I'll find out later, but right now, my only concern is you and that I want you to feel better." Cross began to turn his head away again and Nightmare shook his own. "No, please look at me." Cross managed to look back at him, blinking through tears.

"I didn't ask you before... but I want to ask you now. Cross, I would like for you to be my lover." Nightmare felt his own SOUL speed up. He was having difficulty even saying it, due to how badly he wanted it. "I would like to go to sleep with you by my side every night and wake up to find you still there. I would like to learn to properly love you."

Each word he spoke seemed to affect Cross a little more. He seemed less fearful now. He still seemed speechless. Nightmare stared at him and he could feel his SOUL only speeding up the longer it seemed to take Cross to answer. Nightmare sighed and pushed his face a little closer. He was finally rewarded with some of that beautiful purple blush under those tear-stained cheeks.

Cross hiccuped. "Are... are you being serious?? I..." He seemed almost defeated and he stared at him hopelessly. "I don't deserve that..."

"It doesn't matter if you deserve it. That isn't what I'm asking. I'm asking if you want to." Nightmare said quietly. One of his hands moved from Cross' shoulder up to his cheek. He rubbed his thumb over the other's faintly glowing cheekbone. Cross stared at him, his mouth open. He seemed to be trying to speak, but no words were coming out. Only shaking little squeaks and noises.

"Take your time..." Nightmare said quietly. He continued to rub Cross' cheek and more tears welled in the other's eyes as he tipped his head into Nightmare's hand. He finally gave a gulp and nodded, screwing his eyes shut.

"I-I would like that... I-I would LOVE it..." He whispered out shrilly. He shakily raised his hands and Nightmare was ready to pull them away from his head, but blinked as Cross curled his fingers into Nightmare's hoodie. He leaned forward and rested his head against Nightmare's collarbone, his voice choked up. "I would love that so much..."

Nightmare slipped his hand under Cross' chin and gently raised the other's head to look at him. He leaned forward and pressed his teeth to Cross'. The other let out a shaking little cry before pushing back against him, almost desperately. He pulled back after a few moments.

Cross was crying again, his face bright purple. Nightmare pressed his forehead to Cross' again, rubbing his shoulders to calm him down. He let Cross cry for a few more moments before he heard the other's sobs die down. Nightmare didn't even remember what he'd been angry about earlier. He had a thought and tipped his head, his hands finally sliding around Cross and tugging him close in a hug.

"Were you told you were unlovable?" He asked quietly. The sudden flash of pain in Cross confirmed his question. Nightmare sighed and pulled back. "I was told that too." Cross stared at him tearfully. "Now look at us." His voice was warm as he spoke and he felt Cross lean into him. "Two unlovable monsters falling in love for the first time."

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