The Intrusive Insanity

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Asy didn't know much anymore. But he knew something bad when he saw it. The way Nightmare was staring at the door to his happy room was not good. It was bad. He had to distract him. He blinked and scampered over to him. "Ringmare!! Ringmare!" He squeaked out, looking up at him. Nightmare blinked and turned to look at him.

Asy faltered and scrunched up his shoulders. He'd forgotten how frightened he was of the Ringmaster. He held his oversized sleeves to himself and apologized quietly. He twitched and heard a quiet cracking. Oh, right. "Hurt! I hurt!" He said, bouncing in place. Nightmare turned to him.

"And why are you telling me?" He asked, his rumbling voice a bit cold. Asy twitched again and looked down, flinching and backing up.

"Cuz Ringmare... Ringmare can fix anything..." He whimpered. He believed that to be true. Nightmare stared at him a moment longer before sighing. His tentacle curled around Asy and held him. He lifted him off the ground.

Asy had found that Nightmare did this to keep Asy from attacking him while he spoke to him. Asy wriggled excitedly in his grip. "What is hurt, Asylum?" Nightmare rumbled quietly. Asy giggled and wriggled one of his arms. He liked that nickname. Nightmare loosened the tentacle enough for him to pull his arm out. Grey dust trickled down from inside the sleeve.

Nightmare's eye flashed and he reached out. He began to fold the sleeve back to reveal Asy's hand. His fingers had been bitten off, replaced with dusting stubs. He hummed out of tune. Nightmare seemed taken back. "Where are your fingers?" He seemed genuinely startled.

Asy twitched again and stopped wriggling for a moment, trying to think. Where were his fingers?? The cracking noise grew louder. He twitched and his head hurt. Nightmare reached out and grabbed his wrist to keep his from rubbing. Asy was sure he had another crack on his head and it was spreading. He didn't have enough bandaids for this. Actually, he was pretty sure he didn't have any.

He snapped back to reality and chirped in a scratchy voice. "Pet Red! Red not like!" He giggled. He'd been with Ink in the Animal Tent. He had been trying some new gadgets on Fell. Asy had been petting the gaster blaster when Fell decided he didn't want to be pet anymore. Nightmare's tentacles twitched and Asy immediately flinched, whimpering.

Nightmare sighed and set him down on one of the beds. He muttered that he wasn't going to hurt him this time. He rubbed his head. "I'm going to go retrieve your fingers. STAY PUT." The Ringmaster ordered. Asy squeaked and nodded once, his head twitching to the left. Nightmare sighed and left the tent, muttering to himself.

Asy hummed as he sat on the bed, kicking his feet. He paused, mid-kick, staring at the door to his happy room. He briefly wondered when he would have to go back in. He hummed out of tune once again, already having forgotten why he was there. His hand hurt.


"Spit them out!" Ink said in disappointment, prying open Fell's gaster blaster jaws. The other growled, but Ink only growled back. He had watched Asy run off, crying, and now he was pissed. He watched as Asy's fingers fell to the ground. Ink rubbed his head.

He was down in the pit with Fell. Seemed like the magic restraint wasn't perfect yet. It needed more time and a few more tweaks. Fell had been comfortably wearing it for about an hour before he'd suddenly transformed without warning and broken out of it.

Ink found Asy adorable and was quite angry at Fell for hurting him. The gaster blaster snapped at him and Ink scoffed, turning to look at it with wide eyes. "Excuse me?? Did you just fucking try to bite me??" He said incredulously, holding out his hand, ink beginning to form in it. Fell growled, but shrunk back. He hissed and Ink immediately hissed back.

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