The Soft Terrain

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It was snowing. Cross sneezed softly as a snowflake landed on his 'nose.' He shook his head and pulled his hood up. The fluff protected him. In a way, the snow seemed to excite the usually dull circus. The first fall of snow meant the coming of the Winter Wonder Show.

It was the circus' big event in the winter. Monsters would come from miles all around just to witness it. Cross was admittedly excited to be a part of it for the first time. He stood outside the New Tent, staring up into the grey sky. He hadn't ever been allowed outside if it was raining or snowing. This was a brand new experience for him.

He closed his eyes, taking in the bitter chill of the wind against his bones. "Hey, C!" Cross felt mischievousness and looked over just in time to dodge a snowball. He yelped and looked back towards Ink, who burst out laughing. Cross was wide-eyed as Ink came up.

Ink seemed to notice how startled he was and tipped his head. "What? Don't tell me you never had a snowball fight?" He spoke in a teasing tone and there was amusement leaking off from him. That amusement slowly dampened into concern as Cross awkwardly looked to the side.

The concern turned to shock and Ink stared at him. "Seriously?! You've never had one?!" He asked, his eyes wide. Cross felt a hint of embarrassment, but it was his own. He rubbed his arm before there was a sudden feeling of excitementp from in front of him.

He yelped as Ink grabbed his arm and began to pull him through the Circus. Cross was both concerned and amazed. How the hell was Ink running through snow barefoot? He was pulled all the way to the Gadget Tent and Ink burst inside with him. "Blue! Emergency!!" He said. Blue fumbled, almost dropping whatever he was working on and turning to them.

"What?! What happened?!" He asked, alarm jolting off of him. Cross blinked as Ink pointed to him and spoke in a serious tone with a stone cold face.

"Never has had a snowball fight." He said. For a moment, Blue didn't feel anything and Cross feared that they were going to be killed. He jumped as Blue's eyes became stars and he gasped, disbelief and excitement pouring off of him.

"No!!" He said, seeming completely taken back. He looked at Cross for what seemed to be confirmation and Cross gave an awkward nod. Blue squealed. "Oh my goodness!! Go get Lust right now!!" Blue instructed Ink quickly. Ink lit up and was out of the tent in an instant.

Cross was taken back by the sudden joy, mischievousness and excitement swamping him at once. "Cross! I can't believe it!!" Blue came up to him with a smile. "Never? Never ever had a snowball fight???" Cross felt heat rush to his face and he ducked his head in slight embarrassment.

"I was never allowed outside when it rained or snowed." He said quietly. Blue stared at him and he felt disbelief again. He shook his head and smiled.

"Well, you are now! And I promise you'll have a blast!!" He said joyfully. He felt more disbelief approaching the tent and groaned internally. Lust came in with Ink, barefoot as well, but his bare feet made sense with his prosthetic legs.

"You've NEVER had a snowball fight." Lust said, spinning Cross around to face him. He seemed to be looking for confirmation. Cross, once again, shook his head. Lust's eyes lit up and he smiled. He turned to Blue, who Ink had joined. "Are we against you two??" He asked. Ink gave a thumbs up and Lust giggled.

He grabbed Cross and tugged him along. "C'mon! We have to make a snow fort!" He said excitedly. Cross couldn't help but feel warm by all the childish excitement around him. Lust pulled him behind a tent. He sat Cross down, smiling. "Okay, so our goal is to not be overpowered. If they knock down our fort, they win. If we knock down theirs, we win."

Cross stared at him. "The snowballs are our ammunition to keep them away!" Lust couldn't seem to keep himself from giggling. "I haven't had a good snowball fight in so long!!" Cross smiled and nodded. "We have to find a good place to hide the fort!! C'mon!!" He helped Cross up and they both ran out from behind the tent, smiling.

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