The Careless Wonder

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The Gadget Tent was a big tent. Almost as big as Nightmare's tent. Inside, he felt joy and curiosity, which he managed to brighten a little from. He went inside and stared around. Machines lined the walls. Another skeleton was darting around a raised platform with a robotic animal on it. Cross stared in wonder.

"Ink!" Killer spoke next to him, startling him. Apparently, he also startled the skeleton darting around. He tripped on his own paintbrush and laid for a few moments before shooting up, both of his eyelights yellow.

Cross was momentarily taken back. He didn't like that. Sure, Ink was reeling in joy and happiness on the surface, but underneath... Cross furrowed his brow. Underneath he felt nothing. No joy, no anger, no nothing. Ink smiled at them. "Kills! What's up??" He said.

Cross didn't like that either. His joy sounded forced. He sounded too happy. Before Killer could answer Ink, the overjoyed monster had already noticed Cross. "Hi!" Cross yelped as Ink appeared in front of him. "You're new, right? At least..." Ink pulled back and began to pull up his scarf, which he started to look over. "I THINK you're new..."

He froze up and one of his eyelights became an exclamation point. "Wait, it's dark. What is a newcomer still doing outside??" His eyelight had changed to a question mark. Cross was momentarily alarmed. What did that mean?? To his confusion, Killer shrugged.

"I think it'll be okay. Nightmare seems to like talkin' to this one." Killer said dismissively. Ink seemed uncertain, and Cross could feel it, but it was quickly drowned out by that overpowering sense of joy. A smile quickly spread across Ink's face once again.

"Oh! Okay!" He said joyfully. He paused for a moment, a smile plastered on his face, like he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. He took a deep breath and turned, starting to move back to the platform.

"Hey-" Cross began, but yelped again as Ink whipped around. He held out the note. "This is from the Ringmaster." Ink was in front of him in an instant. He took the note from Cross and opened it, reading it over before crumpling it up and discarding it over his shoulder.

"Got it!" He formed a paintbrush and pulled up his scarf, writing something down. "Excellent!" He chuckled joyfully and Cross watched him in dismay as the chuckle turned into something painful-sounding and Ink quickly covered his mouth.

"Ink. You should go see Error." Killer suggested next to him, seeming just as concerned. Ink stared at them and Cross felt the joy beginning to crack.

"Wh-What? No, I don't... need to..." His smile was growing more forced by the second and Killer spoke again. This time, it was more of an order than it was a suggestion.

"Go see Error." Killer said. Ink stared at them before he began to giggle to himself and nod, almost frantically. He seemed like he was in the verge of tears, yet he continued to smile wide.

"Y-Yeah! I should... I should go see Error! Good idea!" His joy was getting more and more broken by the second and Cross stepped aside as he moved past them. "I-I'm gonna go see Error! Have to... have to..." He was heard whispering to himself as he left the tent. "It's okay. It's all okay."

Cross stared after him. Ink was reeking of pain and it made him hurt again. He was getting the same dismay from Killer as the other stared after him. He turned back to Cross. "Sorry, Ink's been workin' for several days straight. I think he's real fuckin' tired." He rubbed the back of his neck. He was lying. There was another reason.

Cross could sense it, but he didn't dare ask about it. It wasn't his place, nor was it any of his business to he questioning things. Killer gave another nervous grin. "Really, he's just tired. There's no need to worry 'bout him."

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