Pie and a Doctor's Appointment

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A/N: So the picture is of me a couple of weeks ago when I went on this field trip with my high school. Yes, I know I look horrible, so sorry. Anyways sorry it took so long for me to update. I've just been really busy with studying for tests and huge research projects before Christmas Break. I should be posting regularly after next week.

"Babe, wake up," Brendon softly says.
"No.... I wanna sleep," I mumble.
"But you have a doctor's appointment, and it's 3 in the afternoon," he says.
"But the bed's comfortable," I mumble.
He chuckles, "Well, what about if I told you I have pie?"
"Pie, " I say quickly sitting up.
"Yep," he says nodding.
"I need," I mumble.
"Then get out of bed," he says.

"Fine," I groan as I get out of the bed.

I get ready, and when I walk downstairs, Brendon's sitting at the table with pie on a plate. I run as fast as I can and sit down in the chair. Brendon starts laughing at me as I dig into the pie.

"I love my pie," I mumble as I take a bite.

"Not as much as I love mine," Brendon chuckles.

"A lot more than you love yours," I mumble.

He laughs and says, "Well, you better hurry because your appoitment is in wenty minutes."

I quickly down the pie, and we leave the house.

Once we pull into the parking lot, Brendon says, "She's been recommended by some of my friends, and she's known for her celebrity clients. We don't have to worry about her telling the press our buisness."

"Brendon, you didn't have to go through all this trouble to get me a doctor," I say.

"I wanted to, so come on," he says getting out of the car.

He walks around to my side of the car and helps me out. We walk into the doctor's, and I fill out papers about my medical history. Once we turn that into the front desk, they let us back into a room.

"Ow," I say as a quickly press down on the spot where the baby kicked.

"What," Brendon softly asks.

"I told you that the baby kicks really hurts," I mumble.

"It shouldn't hurt that bad. Let me see," Brendon says.

That's when the doctor walks in.

"Hi, I'm Dr. McCraw, you must be Erica and you must be Brendon," Dr. McCraw says shaking our hands.

"Hi," I say.

"Hey," Brendon says.

"I see that you're a little over six months pregnant. Tell me how everything's been going a little bit before you got pregnant and since you got pregnant just to catch me up to speed," she says sitting down.

"Everything," I ask.

"Yes," she says.

"Well, I was self harming, and I attempted suicide twice, but my friend called the ambulance and stuff before I could actually... um... die. When I was in the hospital, I wouldn't talk to anyone because I was mad that they let me live. Then a month or so after that, I went to a party with my other friend, and I was drugged and rapped. He was arrested and put in jail, and Brendon and I did it then the baby happened. I guess I've been depressed and stuff because I stabbed myself with a kitchen knife in the stomach, but it missed the baby. They gave me some prenatal pills and antidepressant pills too. My brother and sister in law just had a baby, and my friends Pete and Meagan had a baby. We went to see Brendon's parents. It's been really stressful and exhausting," I ramble sticking to the plan that Brendon's the father.

"You've had more than most women have had in their entire lifetime let alone pregnant women," Dr. McCraw says with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Yeah," I mumble glancing at Brendon who's wiping tears from his face.

"Well, lets take a look at the baby," she says as she helps me lay back.

Brendon moves to stand beside me, and Dr. McCraw pulls my shirt up and gasps.

"What," I ask looking at Brendon.

He has a look of shock on his face.

"Has your stomach been hurting you recently," Dr. McCraw asks.

"When the baby kicks... why," I say.

"Your stomach has tiny bruises all over it," she says.

"Oh," I say.

She quickly gets the equipment for the ultrasound out. Dr. McCraw puts the cold gel onto my stomach and looks at the baby.

"There's the baby. Do you want to know the gender," she asks.

"No," I say.

"Yes," Brendon says.

We look at each other, and Dr. McCraw laughs.

"I'll put it in an envelope in case you two decide on something. Oh here's the heart beat... it sounds healthy," she says.

Brendon holds my hand as we hear the thump of the tiny heart beat.

After she's done, Dr. McCraw says, "Well, the baby is perfectly healthy, but I am worried about you."

"Why," Brendon quickly asks.

"It seems that Erica isn't strong enough for the baby. It doesn't help that she's still a teenager because her... teenage girls bodies aren't fully developed for having babies. Your iron is low too Erica. The baby might not make it to full term in your womb... it might come early because your body might not be able to handle it. That poses a risk to the baby. If it's delivered too early, it could be premature. I want you to take it easy. I'm going to prescribe you some iron pills and more prenatal vitamins. I also want you to come back every two and a hlaf weeks, so I can keep an eye on you. We don't want your health to go down hill," Dr. McCraw says.

"What will we do if the baby does come early, or if Erica's health gets worse," Brendon asks.

"We'll worry about that when the time comes," Dr. McCraw says.

Brendon and I both nod.

"Have you two started buying things and decorating a nursery," Dr. McCraw asks quickly changing the subject.

"Shit, no... I completely forgot about doing that part," Brendon says.

"We just got back into town this morning," I say.

"Don't stress about it... there's still plenty of time to do all that stuff," she says.

Dr. McCraw writes something down a a piece of paper and puts it into an envelope. Then she writes, the prescription.

"Here's the baby's gender in the envelope, and the prescription. I'll see you guys in two and a half weeks," she says.

"Thank you," Brendon and I say.

Once Brendon and I make a follow up appointment, we sit in the car in silence.

"Can we please look in the envelope," he asks giving me the puppy dog face.

I laugh and ask, "Why?"

"I want to know, so we can be more prepared," he says.

"You just want to know what clothes to get it, so you can have him or her looking like a mini you," I say laughing.

"Noooo.... well maybe," he says laughing.

"Fine," I say.

He quickly opens the envelope and pulls the card out.

"It's a....," he says.

(A/N: DUN DUN DUNNN.... What do you guys think the gender of the baby is? How do you think Brendon would spoil the baby? I wrote this while listening to Gerard sing Piano Jam, and I've been crying because of it. If you haven't heard it, go on youtube and listen to it. Well, goodnight. xox)

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